
Old and Rare books

Resultaten 121 - 140 van 426

PLUTARCHUS. Traitté de la superstition, composé par Plutarque, & traduit par Mr. Le Fevre. Avec un Entretien sur la vie de Romulus. Saumur, Par Jean Lesnier Marchand Libraire, 1666. 12mo. 52,117,(3) p. Calf 15 cm (Ref: Hoffmann 3,217; Graesse 5,369) (Details: Back with 4 raised bands; back and borders of the boards ruled blind. Woodcut printer's mark on the title of Jean Lesnier, it depicts an eagle that soars above a city; in its beak a banner with the motto 'movendo'. Woodcut headpieces and initials. Paper of excellent quality) (Condition: Binding a bit chafed, and slightly worn at the extremities. Tear in leaf A4) (Note: The Greek philosopher, historian and educator Plutarchus of Chaeroneia was born before 50 A.D., and died after A.D. 120. He is our most important witness of the spiritual climate of the first and second century A.D. He wrote numerous short treatises of popular moral philosophy, ...

€ 340,00

PLUTARCHUS. T'Leven der doorluchtige Griecken ende Romeynen, tegen elck anderen vergeleken door Plutarchus van Chaeronea. Wt de Griecsche sprake overgeset door M. Iaques Amyot, Abt van Bellozane, ende Raedt des Coninckx van Franckrijck, by hem overzien ende verbetert. Mitsgaders het leven van Hannibal, Scipio den Africaen, uyt het Latyn verfranscht by Carolus Clusius. Voorder het Leven van Epaminondas, Philippus van Macedonien, Dionysius den Ouden (Tyran van Sicilien), Augustus Cesar, Plutarchus ende Seneca, ende noch het Leven vande negen treffelijcke krijgs-oversten beschreven door Aemylius Probus. Met een cort begrijp op elcx leven, Leeringen op de kant, Chronijck ende Leer-registers, alles versamelt ende uytgegeven by S(imon) G(oulart) S(enlisien). Tesamen van nieus tot gemeen nut verduyscht door A. V(an) Z(uylen) V(an) N(ieuvelt) ende ten deele by eenen anderen beminder. Delft (Tot Delft), Utrecht, (Tot Wtrecht), By Adriaen Gerritsen van Beyeren ende Felix ...

€ 475,00

PLUTARCHUS. Eenige morale of zedige werken van Plutarchus. Vertaalt door R. T. Amsterdam, Voor Hendrik Maneke, 1634. 12mo. (VIII),477,(3 blank) p., frontispiece. Vellum 12.5 cm (Ref: Geerebaert 69,8; Geerebaert gives as date 1644; OiN 307) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Engraved frontispiece, depicting a writer/philosopher and the Greek god Hermes standing beneath a bust (of Plutarch?) The frontispiece bears the impressum 'Amsterdam, 1643') (Condition: Vellum slightly soiled and spotted. Front hinge cracking, frontispiece loosening. Right margin of first gatherings somewhat thumbed. Very tiny and almost invisible pinpoint wormholes in the left lower corner, never coming near any text) (Note: This is a translation into Dutch of 10 treatises of Plutarch's Moralia: 'Van d'opvoedingh der Kinderen. Hoe, en met wat inzicht, de Ionghelinghen de Poeeten leezen moeten. Hoe men hooren moet. Van de zeedelijkcke ...

€ 340,00

PLUTARCHUS. Les vies des hommes illustres grecs et romains, comparées l'une avec l'autre par Plutarque de Chaeronée. Translatées par M. Iacques Amyot Conseiller du Roy, & par luy reveuës & corrigées. Avec les vies d'Annibal & de Scipion l'Africain, traduites de Latin en François par Charles de l'Écluse. Plus les vies d'Epaminondas, de Philippus de Macedoine, de Dionysius l'aisné tyran de Sicile, d'Auguste Caesar, de Plutarque & de Senecque. Item les vies des excellens Chefs de guerre, escrites par Aemilius Probus. Amples sommaires sur chacune vie: annotations morales en marge, chronologie, divers indices, & les vives effigies des hommes illustres. Le tout recueilly & disposé par S.G. S. Paris (A Paris), Chez Jean du-Carroy, 1612. 8vo. 2 volumes: (XXXII),1181,(47 index);1294,(34 index) p. New vellum. 18.5 cm (Ref: cf. Hoffmann 3,214) ...

€ 375,00

PLUTARCHUS. Ploutarchou tou Chairôneôs Parallêla, ê Bioi parallêloi. Plutarchi Chaeronensis Parallela, seu Vitae parallelae, id est Vitae illustrium virorum, quos binos quasi paria composuit. (Geneve, Henricus Stephanus, 1572) 8vo. 3 volumes: vol. 1: (II),579,(1 blank); vol. 2: (2, = p. 581/82), p. 583-1213,(3 blank = p. 1214/16); vol. 3: p. (2 = p. 1217/18),1219-1923,(1 blank). 19th century vellum. 18 cm (Ref: GLN-2438; Renouard 134/35; Brunet 4,733; Hoffmann 3,171; Schweiger 2,258/9; Dibdin 2,336/7; Moss 2,507; Ebert 17406; Not in Graesse) (Details: These three volumes are the volumes 4, 5 & 6 of the 13 volume set 'Plutarchi Chaeronensis quae extant opera', which is the first edition of the complete works of Plutarch published by Henri Estienne in Geneva in 1572. The 3 volumes contain the complete Greek text of 'Ploutarchou tou Chairôneôs Parallêla, ê bioi ...

€ 1400,00

PLUTARCHUS. Plutarchi Cheronaei Philosophi et Historici Vitae comparatae illustrium virorum graecorum & romanorum, ita digestae, ut temporum ordo seriesque constet. Hermanno Cruserio I.C. interprete. Cum indice verborum & rerum locupletissimo & fidelissimo. Tomus Secundus. Lyon (Lugduni), Apud Antonium Gryphium, 1566. 16mo. 876,(60 index) p. 18th century red morocco. 12 cm Volume 2 (of 3) only (Ref: Hoffmann 3,198; Brunet 4,737; Graesse 5,361) (Details: Back gilt with floral motives, boards with gilt wavelike borders. Marbled endpapers. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting a griffin, which mythological animal symbolizes courage, diligence, watchfulness, and rapidity of execution, used as a pun of the family name Gryph or Greif (of German origin). The motto is 'Virtute duce / comite fortuna', 'Virtue thy leader, fortune thy comrade', a quote from a letter of Cicero to Plancus. (Ep. ad ...

€ 450,00

PLUTARCHUS. Opuscula Plutarchi Chaeronei sedulo undequaque collecta, & diligenter recognita, ac in unam faciem bellatule coimpressa, quorum ante praefationem patebit & numerus & series, praemisso quam amplissimo & rerum & verborum indice. Addita autem sunt nuper opuscula haec duo, De cohibenda iracundia & curiositate. N.pl. (Paris), Vaenundantur in Officina Ascensiana, (1526). (Colophon at the end: 'Sub prelo Ascensiano ad Nonas Febru. 1526') Small folio. (XIV),191 leaves. Contemporary leather. 31 cm (Ref: BP16_104378; Renouard, Badius Ascensius 3, p. 175, no. 9; Hoffmann 3,198/99; cf Schweiger 1,264, ed. Paris, Asc. 1521; Graesse 5,362, Graesse forgot to mention the year 1526; Pettegree/Walsby 83345) (Details: Spine with 6 raised bands. Gilt floral motives in the compartments. Ascensius's woodcut printer's device with the date 1520 on the title-page, surrounded by broad woodcut borders with some ...

€ 1400,00

PLUTARCHUS & ISOCRATES. Plutarchi Chaeronensis peri PAIDÔN AGÔGÊS, seu De puerorum educatione libellus. Analysi grammatica, interpretatione simplici ad textum graecum & paraphrasi perspicua ad modum Iohannis Minellii, illustratus studio M. Christiani Iunckeri, Dresd. Ill. Gymnas. Sax. Henneb. quod Schleusingae est, Conr. (Bound with:) Isocratis Attici rhetoris Orationes tres. I. ad Demonicum. II. ad Nicoclem. III. quae inscribitur Nicocles. Analysi grammatica, interpretatione simplici ad textum graecum & paraphrasi perspicua ad modum Iohannis Minellii, illustratae studio M. Christiani Iunckeri, Dresd. Ill. Gymnas. Sax. Henneb. quod Schleusingae est, Conr. Leipzig (Lipsiae), Apud Maurit. Georg. Weidmannum, 1719. 8vo. Two parts in 1 volume: (XIV),381,(3, stocklist) p. Vellum 17 cm (Ref: VD18 10402462; Ad 1: Hoffmann 3,185; Ad 2: Hoffmann 2,478) (Details: Two title-pages, both printed in red & black. On the ...

€ 220,00

PLINIUS MINOR. Caii Plinii Caecilii Secundi Opera quae supersunt omnia. Ad fidem optimarum editionum diligenter expressa. (Liber I-X: ex recensione Cortii et Longolii. Panegyricus Nervae Trajano Augusto dictus, ex editione T. Hearne) Glasgow (Glasguae), In aedibus academicis excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis, Academiae typographi, 1751. 12mo. 3 volumes in 2: (IV),1-275,(1 blank); (IV),277-633(1 blank),(23 p. index),(1 blank) p. Vellum 13 cm (Ref: Gaskell no. 208+ (p. 163), and especially no. 208 (p. 419); ESTC Citation No. T190303; Schweiger 2,807: 'Sehr saubrer Abdruck des Textes der Briefe nach Corte und Longolius und des Panegyricus nach Th. Hearne'; Graesse 5,346; Ebert 17358; cf. Dibdin 2,331 & 332; cf. Moss 2,495) (Details: 2 thongs laced through the joints. Short title in ink on the back) (Condition: Vellum slightly soiled and scratched. Some foxing. Paper yellowing) (Note: The Roman civilian administrator Gaius ...

€ 240,00

PLINIUS MINOR. Caji Plinii Caecilii Secundi Panegyricus, cum notis integris Francisci Jureti, Joannis Livineji, Justi Lipsii, Petri Fabri, Conradi Rittershusii, Jani Gruteri, Christiani Gotlibi Schwarzii, et selectis aliorum, curante Joanne Arntzenio, qui & suas adnotationes adjecit. Accedit Joannis Masson Vita Plinii, editio tertia auctior. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Janssonio Waesbergios, 1738. 4to. (XXIV including frontispiece),XCII,(4 index); 469,(57 index) p. Half vellum 25 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 186699948; Schweiger 2,812/3; Dibdin 2,335; Moss 2,495/6; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,423; Graesse 5,349: 'Bonne édition'; Ebert 17374) (Details: Early 20th century binding. Brown gilt morocco shield on the back. Title in red & black. Engraved printer's mark on the title, depicting a mole, flanked by a seating Hermes and Athena; the motto is: 'vulgo caeca vocor, video sed acutius ipso', 'By the crowd I am called ...

€ 300,00

PLINIUS MINOR. Caii Plinii Caecilii Secundi Epistolarum libros decem, cum notis selectis Jo. Mariae Catanaei, Jac. Schegkii, Jac. Sirmondi, Is. Casauboni, Henrici Stephani, Conradi Rittershusii, Cl. Minois, Casparis Barthii, Aug. Buchneri, Jo. Schefferi, Jo. Frid. Gronovii, Christophori Cellarii aliorumque, recensuerunt suisque animadversionibus illustrarunt Gottlieb Cortius et Paullus Daniel Longolius, qui etiam universum opus indicibus locupletissimis instruxit. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Janssonio-Waesbergios, 1734. 4to. Frontispiece, (LII),92,(4);846,(119),(1 blank) p. Vellum 26.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 186700156; Schweiger 2,809/10; Brunet 4,722: 'bonne édition'; Dibdin 2,332; Graesse 5,343; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,416: 'optima editio') (Details: Back with 5 raised bands. Short title in the second compartment. Blind tooled boards. The engraved frontispiece depicts a pensive Pliny busy writing a letter. Title printed in ...

€ 500,00

PLINIUS MINOR. Caii Plinii Caecilii Secundi Epistolarum libros decem, cum notis selectis Jo. Mariae Catanaei, Jac. Schegkii, Jac. Sirmondi, Is. Casauboni, Henrici Stephani, Conradi Rittershusii, Cl. Minois, Casparis Barthii, Aug. Buchneri, Jo. Schefferi, Jo. Frid. Gronovii, Christophori Cellarii aliorumque, recensuerunt suisque animadversionibus illustrarunt Gottlieb Cortius et Paullus Daniel Longolius, qui etiam universum opus indicibus locupletissimis instruxit. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Janssonio-Waesbergios, 1734. 4to. Frontispiece, (LII),92,(4);846,(119),(1 blank) p. Contemporary mottled calf 26 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 186700156; Schweiger 2,809/10; Brunet 4,722: 'bonne édition'; Dibdin 2,332; Graesse 5,343; Ebert 17356; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,416) (Details: Back with 5 raised bands, and panelled in gilt with floral motives. Frontispiece, it depicts Pliny writing a letter. Title in red & black. Engraved printer's mark ...

€ 350,00

PLINIUS MINOR. Lettere di Plinio il Giovane, tradotte in lingua Italiana e dedicate all'Illustriss., ed Eccellentiss. Signore D. Alessandro Albani, nipote di nostro Signore Clemente XI, Pontefice Ottimo Massimo, dal Canonico Gio. Antonio Tedeschi e tra gli Arcadi Orticolo Eleo. Roma, Della Stamperia di Gio. Maria Salvioni, nella Sapienza, 1717. 4to. (XXXV),(1 blank); 441,(1 errori),(2 blank) p. Calf 24 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,816; Moss 2,502, quotes Nicola Francesco Haym ('Biblioteca Italiana o sia notizia de libri rari nella lingua italiana', Venice/Milan, 1741, p. 157): 'La traduzione, e l'impressione sono ambi bellissime'; Ebert 17379; Graesse 3,351) (Details: Back with 5 raised bands, and a gilt red morocco shield in the second compartment. Title printed in red and black. Woodcut initials. Excellent quality paper) (Condition: Binding scuffed. Boards scratches and spotted. Corners bumped. Foot of the spine ...

€ 320,00

PLINIUS MINOR. C. Plinii Caecilii Secundi Epistolarum libri X. Notis integris Is. Casauboni, Jani Gruteri, H. Stephani, Augusti Buchneri, Casp. Barthii, Joh. Fred. Gronovii, Selectissimisque Joh. Mariae Catanaei, Ritterhusii & aliorum, insertis suo loco integris commentariis Francisci Balduini, J.C. Cunradi Ritterhusii, J.C. & Gerh. Joh. Vossii in 'Relationem' seu consultationem 'Plinii', & ad hanc 'Rescriptum Trajani' Imper. de 'Christianis', illustrati & accurate recensiti a Johanne Veenhusio, Brem. Leiden, Rotterdam (Lugd. Batav. Roterodami), Ex Officina Hackiana, 1669. 8vo. (LII),818,(23 index),(1 blank) p., frontispiece. 19th century half calf. 19.5 cm 'We shall have reason to congratulate ourselves on the acquisition of so elegant and desirable an edition' (Ref: STCN ppn 840239440; Schweiger 2,809; Brunet 4,722: 'bonne édition'; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,415, among the ...

€ 420,00

PLINIUS MINOR. C. Pliniii Secundi Novocomensis Liber de viris in re militari & administranda republica illustribus, a multis mendis repurgatus, & novis commentariis nunc primum (nunc primum per Conradum Lycosthenem) ita illustratus, ut ad omnes Romanorum historias plurimum lucis & utilitatis adferat. Una cum eiusdem Plinii vita, rerumque & verborum omnium indice copiosissimo. Basel (Basileae), no publisher, n.d. (Colophon on the last page: 'Basileae, Ex officina Ioannis Oporini, Anno salutis humanae 1547, mense Septembri) 8vo. (XXXII),595,(75 index),(2 blank) p. 19th century half vellum 17 cm (Ref: VD16 P 3521; Schweiger, 2,1139 (under Sextus Aurelius Victor); Graesse 5,350) (Details: Back ruled gilt, and with a green morocco shield. 2 woodcut initials) (Condition: On the title page the words 'per Conradum Lycosthenem' are carefully erased. This erasing has been repeated on the verso of the title, ...

€ 875,00

PLAUTUS. Pseudolus, ein Lustspiel des Plautus in alten Sylbenmaassen verdeutscht. Zur Anhörung feyerlicher Reden bey der öffentlichen Entlassung einiger Schüler von der Thomasschule auf die Universität am 17. April 1823 früh um 9 Uhr, laded die hohen Patrone und theilnehmenden Freunde der Schule gehorsamst und ergebenst ein Prof. Friedrich Wilhelm Ehrenfried Rost, Rector. Leipzig, Gedruckt bey Wilhelm Staritz, 1823. 60 p. Plain wrappers 21.5 cm (On the last 3 pages: 'Kurze Nachrichten zur Geschichte der Thomasschule'. Cover worn. Frontcover faded and with some small spots. Title dustsoiled) (The Thomasschule, the 'Schola Thomana Lipsiensis', is a public boarding school in Leipzig, Saxony. It was founded in 1212 and is one of the oldest schools in the world. Cultivating classical languages is an old tradition at St. Thomas School. (See Wikipedia: 'Thomasschule zu Leipzig')
Book number: ...

€ 55,00

PLAUTUS. M. Acci Plauti Comoediae. Accedit commentarius ex Variorum notis & observationibus. Quarum plurimae nunc primum eduntur. Ex recensione Ioh. Frederici Gronovii. Leiden (Lugd. Batavorum), Ex officina Hackiana, 1664. 8vo. (XVI),1154,(52 index) p. Calf 20.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 840013841; Schweiger 2,766; Dibdin 2,312: 'Gronovius by the assistance of 6 ancient MSS. and his own sagacious conjectures, has improved the text in many places, and given some ingenious and successful explanations of difficult passages'; Moss 2,461/2; Fabricius/Ernesti 1,21; Neue Pauly, Supplement Band 2, Geschichte der antiken Texte, Darmstadt 2007, p. 477; Graesse 5,329; Ebert 17202) (Details: Gilt back with 5 raised bands. Engraved title. Commentary in 2 columns beneath the text) (Condition: Binding scuffed and scratched. Shield on the back gone. Paper of the front pastdown wrinkled. Titlepage cut out, and mounted on blank flyleaf expertly, with removal of the blank ...

€ 280,00

PLAUTUS. M. Acci Plauti Comoediae Superstites XX. Accuratissime editae. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Typis Ludovici Elzevirii, 1652. 24mo. 715,(5) p., engraved title. 19th century half calf. 13.5 cm (Ref: Willems 1152, note; Bergmann 2214; Rahir 3319; Schweiger 2,766; Ebert 17196; Brunet 4,709; Graesse 5,329) (Details: Back gilt, and divided in 7 compartments, in 4 of them gilt lozenges filled with tiny floral motives. Marbled endpapers. Uncut right and lower margin. Engraved title, depicting the playwright Plautus pointing with his left hand to a performance, in his right hand he holds a jester staff) (Condition: Binding slightly scuffed. Head of the spine very slightly damaged. Boards somewhat scratched and corners somewhat bumped) (Note: M. Accius Plautus, ca. 250-184 B.C., better known as Titus Maccius Plautus was a playwright of great talent, 'one of the highest type of dramatists, worthy to rank with Sophocles, for example, or ...

€ 170,00

PLAUTUS. M. Accius Plautus ex fide, atque auctoritate complurium librorum manuscriptorum opera Dionys. Lambini Monstroliensis emendatus; ab eodemque commentariis explicatus. Nunc denuo plurimis, quae in praecedentibus editionibus irrepserant, mendis, repurgatus; multisque in locis in gratiam antiquariorum illustratus. Geneva (Coloniae Allobrogum), Apud Petrum & Iacobum Chouët, 1622. 4to. (VIII),920,(51 index),(1 blank) p. Overlapping vellum. 24 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,765; Fabricius/Ernesti 1,18; Moss 2,461; Ebert 17188: 'Bloss Nachdruck der Lambinischen Ausgabe'; cf. GLN-3810) (Details: 6 thongs laced through both joints. Title with broad woodcut architectural borders. Woodcut headpieces. Woodcut initials. At the end 2 indices, one 'verborum, locutionum & sententiarum', the other on the commentary of Lambinus) (Condition: Vellum age-toned & soiled. On the titlepage the place of printing: 'Coloniae Allobrogum' (Latin name of ...

€ 420,00

PLAUTUS. M. Accius Plautus, ex fide, atque auctoritate complurium librorum manuscriptorum opera Dionys. Lambini Monstroliensis emendatus; ab eodemque commentariis explicatus. Nunc denuo plurimis, quae in praecedentibus editionibus irrepserant, mendis, repurgatus; multisque in locis in gratiam antiquariorum illustratus. Additi quoque sunt duo indices copiosissimi. Prior, verborum, locutionum & sententiarum; posterior, eorum quae commentariis D. Lambini continentur. Geneva (Coloniae Allobrogum), Apud Petrum & Iacobum Chouët, 1622. 4to. (VIII),920,(51 index)(1 blank) p. Calf 25 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,765; Fabricius/Ernesti 1,18; Moss 2,461; Ebert 17188; cf. GLN 15-16 no. 3810; cf. Dibdin 2,310/11; Graesse 5,328; Ebert 17188) (Details: Back with 4 raised bands. Gilt letterpiece in the second compartment. Boards blindtooled. Title with woodcut architectural borders. Occasional woodcut headpieces and initials) (Condition: Binding very scuffed, ...

€ 275,00