OVIDIUS. Alle de werken van Publ. Ovidius Naso. Het derde deel: bestaande in Klaag-brieven, Brieven uit Pontus, Almanak, Vloek tegen Ibis, Nooteboom, Troost-dicht aan Livia, 't Blanketsel. In de Nederlandse taale overgebracht door Abraham Valentyn. Met verklaaringen, en uitleggingen verrijkt door Lud. Smids M.D. Amsterdam (t'Amsteldam), By Pieter Mortier, Boekverkooper, 1701. 4to. (VIII),334,(40 index) p., frontispiece; 26 engraved plates. Vellum. 29 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 843242159; Schweiger 2,685; Geerebaert 122,26,b; OiN 273) (Details: Large paper copy. Third volume of 3 only. Back with seven raised bands. Boards blind stamped. The frontispiece, made by J. Goeree and J. van Vianen, depicts Ovid in despair being sent into exile by the emperor Augustus. Engraved plates of gods & goddesses and the like in the translation of the Fasti.) (Condition: Vellum age-toned, soiled & spotted. Paper partly yellowing. ...
OVIDIUS. P. Ovidii Nasonis Opera omnia, in tres tomos divisa, cum integris notis Nicolai Heinsii D.F. lectissimisque Variorum notis. Quibus non pauca, ad suos quaeque antiquitatis fontes diligenti comparatione reducta, accesserunt, studio Borchardi Cnippingii. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Prostant apud Waesbergios, Boom, & Goethals, 1702. 8vo. 3 volumes: (XVI),832,(16); 805,(10),(1 blank); 810,(6) p., 15 plates, 1 portrait, 1 frontispiece & 2 engraved titles. Vellum 19 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 320300935, ppn 320301095 & ppn 320301176; Schweiger 2,631; Dibdin 2,267/68; Moss 2,343; Brunet 4,272; Graesse 5,70; Ebert 15368) (Details: Volume 1: an engraved portrait of Ovid and a frontispiece, depicting the Judgment of Paris. Title with woodcut printer's mark, depicting a celestial sphere flanked by Hercules and Father Time. Volume 2 & 3 have engraved titles, depicting the abduction of Europa by Zeus (2), and a Roman emperor on horseback ...
OVIDIUS. Publii Ovidii Nasonis Opera. Petrus Burmannus ad fidem veterum exemplarium castigavit. Ad 1: Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Rod. & Gerh. Wetstenios H. FF., 1713. Ad 2 & 3: Utrecht (Trajecti Batavorum, Apud Guilielmum vande Water, 1713) 12mo. 3 volumes: (LXII),302; 340,XVII,(1 blank);370 p., portrait and frontispiece. Vellum 13.5 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,631: 'Heinsius Text liegt zum Grunde, ist aber nach Handschriften verbessert. Sehr correct'; Graesse 5,70; Ebert 15370; Brunet 4,273) (Details: Portrait of Ovid by the French engraver Bernard Picart: Ovid's medallion portrait is surrounded by laurel branches, beneath Ovid sits Amor on the globe. The frontispiece, also by Picart, depicts a bucolic scene: the poet sits at the border of a pond, flanked by the Muse Erato, who holds a laurel wreath above his head, and a crowned female figure, who has a long trumpet in her right hand. (Fama?) Above them hovers Amor who ...
OVIDIUS. P. Ovidius Nasoos Feestdagen, in Hollandts dicht vertaalt door Arnold Hoogvliet. Delft en Rotterdam, By Adriaan en Jan Daniel Beman, 1719. 4to. (22 leaves);226,(1 errata) p. Vellum. 21 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 141532653; Geerebaert 122,36; OiN 276; Van der Aa 8/2 1175/9) (Details: Blind tooled back and boards. 6 thongs laced through the joints. A fine frontispiece engraved by J. Goeree, which depicts Ovid kneeling before a statue of Janus,and asking him for inspiration. The text facing the frontispiece explains this allegorical scene, and is the work of his Goeree's friend, the poet Tielman van Bracht. An allegorical vignette, also engraved by Goeree, on the title, it depicts 4 putti, amusing themselves; between them an incensory on a pedestal, on which a text that often accompanies incensory pictures: 'dum placeam peream', 'Provided I please, let me perish') (Condition: Vellum slightly soiled. Both pastedowns detached. Tiny ...
PALAEPHATUS. Palaephati De incredibilibus, graece sextum edidit ad fidem cod. MS. Mosquensis aliorumque et libri Aldini, denuo recensuit emendavit explicavit indicemque verborum graecorum copiosissimum adiecit Ioh. Frider. Fischerus. Accessere Prolusiones quatuor in Palaephati fabulas una cum orationibus duabus. Leipzig (Lipsiae), Sumtu Caspari Fritschii, 1789. 8vo. LXXIV,200,(173, indices)(1);115,(5 index) p. Half calf 21 cm (Ref: VD18 11355840; Brunet 4,312; Hoffmann 3,36, and also p. 38 for the 'Prolusiones' by J.F. Fischer; Schweiger 1,221; Graesse 5,103; Ebert 15647; this type of Leiden prize copy with only 'Diligentiae praemium' on the back is not mentioned in Spoelder) (Details: Prize copy of the Gymnasium Leiden, including the printed prize. Back gilt. Gilt text on the back: 'Diligentiae praemium'. Marbled boards and endpapers. Edges also marbled. Small paper label on the front pastedown'. Paper somewhat foxed) ...
PALINGENIUS. Marcelli Palingenii Stellati Poetae Zodiacus vitae, id est de hominis vita, studio, ac moribus optime instituendis libri XII. Nunc demum ad exemplaria primaria sedulo castigati, centenis aliquot mendis expurgati, aliisque accessionibus aucti. Rotterdam (Rotterodami), Apud Joannem Hofhout, 1722. 8vo. XVI (including frontispiece),407;(47 index),(2 blank) p. Calf 15.5 cm (Details:.Back gilt and with 5 raised bands. The frontispiece, designed and executed by Jan Goeree, depicts an allegorical scene, which may refer to passages in the second and sixth book of the 'Zodiacus Vitae', called Taurus and Virgo. It shows a laureated woman, Poetry, who shakes hands with death, and at the same time clings with her left arm to a bust of the virtuous goddess of wisdom Athena. Her feet rest on a bag of gold and a scepter. Next to her stands a winged putto, scourge at hand, who reveals gold and other treasures of the church that lay hidden ...
PERIZONIUS,J. Jacobi Perisonii, Ant. F. Animadversiones historicae, in quibus quamplurima in priscis Romanarum rerum, sed utriusque Linguae autoribus notantur, multa etiam illustrantur atque emendantur, varia denique antiquorum rituum eruunter, & uberius explicantur. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Ex officina Henrici & Viduae Theodori Boom, 1685. 8vo. (XXXII),470,(16 index),(2 blank) p. Vellum 16.5 cm A masterpiece of historical criticism. (Sandys) (Details: Woodcut printer's mark on the title, it depicts a gardener who waters a shoot that arises from a tree (Boom is Dutch for tree); the motto reads: 'Tandem fit surculus arbor', (A shoot at length becomes a tree) a popular motto in the Netherlands ever since the war of independence against the Spaniards, which lasted 80-years) (Condition: The spine was problably once exposed to a fire, it is blackish, and the gilt is almost invisible; part of the shield pasted on the ...
PERIZONIUS,J. Jacobi Perizonii Ant. Fil. Orationes XII, varii et praestantioris argumenti in gratiam cultorum elegantiorum litterarum collectae, Leiden (Lugdini Batavorum), Apud Joh. Arnold Langerak, 1740. 8vo. XXXVIII,592 p. Vellum 17 cm (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Engraved printer's mark on the title, it depicts a man who is busy climing a steep hill; a winged diety, Father Time (Tempus), who sways his scythe and has an hourglass on his head, helps him to ascend; at the top of the hill rests a huge cornucopia; this scene is flanked Athena and the Muse Clio (?), whose head is winged and who has scroll and quill at hand; the motto reads: 'Dum audes, ardua vinces', 'You will be succesful daring') (Condition: Vellum age-toned. Both pastedowns slightly stained. Small paper label on the back) (Note: The Dutch ancient historian Jacobus Perizonius, 1651-1715, was professor of History at the University of ...
PERSIUS & JUVENALIS. Traduction des Satyres de Perse, et de Juvénal, par le Révérend Pere Tarteron, de la Compagnie de Jésus. Nouvelle édition. Paris, Par la Compagnie des Libraires, 1714. 12mo in eights & fours. (XLVIII),591,(1 blank) p. Calf 17 cm Two poets exploring the limits of satiric free speech (Ref: Schweiger 2,517; cf. Graesse 3,522; Ebert 11273) (Details: Back gilt and with 5 raised bands, shield in the second compartment. The frontispiece depicts a poet/thinker in a robe, and seated on a stone bench; on the bench the inscription Facit indignation versum. Printer's mark, a beehive, on the title. The Latin text & French translation are printed side by side in different typefaces) (Condition: Wear to extremities of the binding: head & tail of the back slightly chafed. Back rubbed. Shield on the back vanishing. Wormhole near the gutter of the left lower corner ...
PERSIUS. Auli Persii Flacci Satirarum liber. Isaacus Casaubonus recensuit, & commentario libro illustravit. Ad virum amplisissmum D. Achillem Harlaeum senatus principem. (Volume 2: Isaaci Casauboni in Persii Satiras Liber commentarius. Eiusdem Persiana Horatii imitatio) Paris (Parisiis), Apud Ambroisum et Hieronymum Drouart, sub scuto Solari, via Iacobaea, 1605. 8vo. 2 volumes in 1: (XVI),43,(4),(1 blank); (XXXII),558,(2 blank),(26 index),(1 errata),(1 blank) p. Modern calf antique style. 18 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,710; Graesse 5,212; Ebert 16282; cf. Smitskamp, 'The Scaliger collection', no. 116; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,165/66: 'eruditissimus atque divinus commentarius') (Details: Back with 5 raised bands and gilt lettering. 2 title pages, the first shows an oval engraving of a 'thiasos': a drunken Bacchus is carried by a bunch of satyrs, accompanied by some revellers. The second title has an oval ...
PERSIUS. Auli Persii Flacci Satirarum liber. Isaacus Casaubonus recensuit, & commentario libro illustravit. Ad virum amplisissmum D. Achillem Harlaeum senatus principem. (Volume 2: Isaaci Casauboni in Persii Satiras Liber commentarius. Eiusdem Persiana Horatii imitatio) Paris (Parisiis), Apud Hieronymum Drouart, 1615. 8vo. 2 volumes in 1: (XV),(1 blank),43,(4),(1 blank); (XXXII),558,(26 index) p. Vellum 17.5 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,711; Graesse 5,212; Ebert 16282; Smitskamp, 'The Scaliger collection', no. 116) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. The first title shows an engraving of a 'thiasos': a drunken Bacchus is carried off by a bunch of satyrs, accompanied by some revellers. The second title has an oval woodcut printer's mark; it depicts a thisle flank by the initials A and D. of Ambrosius (Ambroise) Drouart, the brother of Hieronymus (Jerôme). Hieronymus kept using his brother's printer's ...
PERSIUS. Auli Persii Flacci Satirarum liber, cum ejus vita, vetere scholiaste, & Isaaci Casauboni notis, qui eum recensuit, & commentario libro illustravit, una cum ejusdem Persiana Horatii imitatione. Editio novissima, auctior & emendatior ex ipsius auctoris codice; cura & opera Merici Casauboni. Accessit & Graecorum, ubi opus erat, interpretatio, item index auctorum rerum verborum locupletissimus. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Excudit Petrus vander Aa, 1695. 4to. (XVI, including a portrait of Persius),214,(16 index) p., 2 engraved plates. Vellum 25 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 83225780X; Schweiger 2,711; Brunet 4,521; Dibdin 2,155; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,361/62; Ebert 11246; Graesse 3,520) (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. Portrait of Persius, engraved after a relief once owned by Fulvius Ursinus. Title printed in red & black. Engraved printer's device on the title, which shows a resting Athena, in the background a ...
PETAVIUS,D. D. Petavii Aurelianensis e Societate Iesu Rationarium Temporum in partes duas, libros tredecim distributum. In quo aetatum omnium sacra profanaque historia chronologicis probationibus munita summatim traditur. Editio ultima, nonnullis accessionibus auctior facta, & ab Auctore recognita. Paris (Parisiis), Apud Sebastianum Cramoisy, Regis & Reginae Architypographum, 1662 - 1663. 12mo. 2 volumes in 1: (XX),526 (recte 516),(76 index),(2 blank); 241,(7 index),(2 blank) p. Calf. 15 cm (Details: Back gilt, and with 5 raised bands; red morocco letterpiece in the second compartment. Marbled enpapers) (Condition: Binding worn at the extremities. Corners bumped. Owner's entry on the title. Small label on the front pastedown partly removed) (Note: This 'Rationarium Temporum' of the French Jesuit classical scholar, historian and theologian Denis Pétau, latinized as Dionysius Petavius, 1583-1652, is a ...
PETIT,P. Petri Petiti, Philosophi & Doct. Medici, De Amazonibus dissertatio, qua an vere extiterint, necne, variis ultro citroque conjecturis & argumentis disputatur. Multa etiam ad eam gentem pertinentia, ex antiquis monumentis eruuntur atque illustrantur. Editio secunda, auctior & correctior. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Apud Johannem Wolters & Ysbrandum Haring, 1687. 12mo. (XII),398,(3 addenda),(1 blank),(8 index) p., more than 50 engraved text illustations on 39 p., of which one is full page; folding map, frontispiece. Overlapping vellum 16.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 102316597; Brunet 4,1 529; Graesse 5,219) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. The frontispiece, designed and executed by Joh. van den Aveele, depicts a seated Amazone, in the background a battle scene, obviously inspired by Rubens' painting 'Battle of the Amazons', or 'Amazonomachia'. The map, 24x18, depicts the Eastern Mediterranean) ...
PETITE GRAMMAIRE FRANÇOISE, A L'USAGE DES ÉLEVES DE L'ÉCOLE ROYALE MILITAIRE. (Bound with:) Petite grammaire latine à l'usage des élèves de l'École Royale Militaire. (&:) Petite grammaire grecque à l'usage des élèves de l'École Royale Militaire. Paris, Chez Nyon l'aîné, 1778. 3 volumes in 1: 59,(1 blank); 93,(3 blank); 70 p. Contemporary wrappers. 18 cm (Details: Marbled wrappers. Woodcut ornament on the title, depicting a radiant sun, in the heart of which stand the three fleurs-de-lis of the House of Bourbon) (Condition: Back worn & slightly damaged. The last five leaves slightly waterstained) (Note: The 'École Royale Militaire' 'was founded in 1750, after the War of the Austrian Succession, by Louis XV on the basis of a proposal of Marshal Maurice de Saxe and with the support of Madame de Pompadour and the financier ...
PHAEDRUS. Phaedri, Aug. liberti, Fabularum Aesopiarum libri V. Cum integris commentariis Marq. Gudii, Conr. Rittershusii, Nic. Rigaltii, Is. Neveleti, Nic. Heinsii, Joan. Schefferi, Jo. Lud. Praschii, & excerptis aliorum. Curante Petro Burmanno. The Hague (Hagae-Comitum), Apud Henricum Scheurleer, 1718. 8vo. 2 parts in 1: (LXII),398;258,(70 index) p., including frontispiece. Vellum 19.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 189725249; Schweiger 2,735; Dibdin 2,280; Moss 2,394; Graesse 5,253; Ebert 16595) (Details: 6 thongs laced through both joints. Borders of the boards tooled in blind with double fillet, and with gilt floral ornaments at the corners of blind tooled rectangles. Title in red & black. Printer's device on the title, which depicts a flying Hermes; with an appropriate motto: 'Voor konst en koopmanschap'. Frontispiece designed by P. Tiedeman and executed by J. Mulder, depicting Phaedrus with pen on paper while listening to his ...
PHAEDRUS. Phaedri, Aug. liberti, Fabularum Aesopiarum libri V. Cum integris commentariis Marq. Gudii, Conr. Rittershusii, Nic. Rigaltii, Is. Neveleti, Nic. Heinsii, Joan. Schefferi, Jo. Lud. Praschii, & excerptis aliorum curante Petro Burmanno. Leiden (Lugduni in Batavis), Apud Samuelem Luchtmans, 1728. 8vo. 2 parts in 1: (LXII),398;258,(70 index) p., including frontispiece. Calf 21 cm (Ref: STCN 296744565; Schweiger 2,736; cf. Dibdin 2,280; cf. Moss 2,394; Graesse 5,253; Brunet 4,588; Ebert 16595) (Details: Back with 5 raised bands. Morocco letterpiece, once red, in the second compartment. Floral gilt ornaments in the other compartments. Marbled endpapers. Title in red & black. Woodcut ornament on the title. Frontispiece designed by P. Tiedeman and executed by J. Mulder, depicting Phaedrus with pen on paper while he listens to his Muse; in the background Aesopus surrounded by fable animals) (Condition: Back scuffed. Corners bumped) ...
PHAEDRUS. Ezopische Fabelen van Fedrus, gevryden slaef des Keizers Augustus. In Nederduitsch Dicht vertaelt en met Aanmerkingen verrykt door D. van Hoogstraten. The Hague ('s Gravenhage), By Gerard Block, 1739. 8vo (XLVIII),259,(1 blank),37,(1 blank) p. Vellum. 15.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 303260319; Geerebaert 125,2,a; cf. OiN p. 290) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Title in red & black. Woodcut floral ornament on the title. Woodcut initials) (Condition: Binding age-tanned and slightly spotted. Small name label on the front pastedown. 1 name and 1 small stamp on the front flyleaf. Paper slightly yellowing. Endpapers foxed) (Note: David van Hoogstraten (1658-1724) was conrector of the 'Schola Latina' at Amsterdam from 1694 till 1722. He wrote Dutch and neolatin poetry, and is well known for his lexicon 'Nieuw woordenboek der Nederlantsche en Latynsche tale' (1704, 1719, 1736). He published ...
PHILELEUTHERUS HELVETIUS. (Pseudonym of Johannes Jakob Zimmermann.) De miraculis quae Pythagorae, Apollonio Tyanensi, Francisco Assisio, Dominico, & Ignatio Lojolae tribuuntur, libellus, auctore Phileleuthero Helvetio. Douai (Duaci) (= Zürich), Typis Petri Columbii, 1734. 8vo. (XVI;XXXVI),404 p. Vellum 17 cm (Ref: Brunet 4,602; Graesse 5,263; E. Weller, 'Die falschen und fingirten Druckorte', Leipzig, 1858, p. 190) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Short title & year on the back. All 3 edges marbled. Good quality paper) (Condition: Vellum soiled. Old inscription on the front flyleaf: 'Bel exemplaire de ce livre curieux et recherché'; old references written on the verso of this flyleaf) (Note: 'Johannes Jakob Zimmermann, Professor der Theologie an der Karlsschule in Zürich war der erste namhafte Vertreter der religiösen Aufklärung dieser Stadt'. ...
PHILOSTRATUS. The two first books of Philostratus, concerning the life of Apollonius Tyaneus: written originally in Greek, and now published in English: together with philological notes upon each chapter. By Charles Blount, Gent. London, Printed for Nathaniel Thompson, next dore to the Sign of the Cross-Keys in Fetter-Lane, 1680. Folio. (VIII),243,(1 blank) p. Calf 32 cm (Ref: ESTC Citation No. R4123; Hoffmann 3,82; Ebert 16760 'Wurde verboten, weil man die Noten antichristlich fand'; Graesse 5,274) (Details: Back with 5 raised band. Blind tooled double fillet border on both boards. Title in red and black. Woodcut text illustration, which represents a diagram of the philosophic schools in antiquity) (Condition: Binding scuffed. Back rubbed. Joints weak, partly starting to split. Boards spotted. Paper browning and foxed. Endpapers worn and browning) (Note: Few books have over a long period of time aroused so much upheaval among ...