
Old and Rare books

Resultaten 301 - 320 van 426

PLUTARCHUS. Plutarchi Cheronaei Philosophi et Historici Vitae comparatae illustrium virorum graecorum & romanorum, ita digestae, ut temporum ordo seriesque constet. Hermanno Cruserio I.C. interprete. Cum indice verborum & rerum locupletissimo & fidelissimo. Tomus Secundus. Lyon (Lugduni), Apud Antonium Gryphium, 1566. 16mo. 876,(60 index) p. 18th century red morocco. 12 cm Volume 2 (of 3) only (Ref: Hoffmann 3,198; Brunet 4,737; Graesse 5,361) (Details: Back gilt with floral motives, boards with gilt wavelike borders. Marbled endpapers. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting a griffin, which mythological animal symbolizes courage, diligence, watchfulness, and rapidity of execution, used as a pun of the family name Gryph or Greif (of German origin). The motto is 'Virtute duce / comite fortuna', 'Virtue thy leader, fortune thy comrade', a quote from a letter of Cicero to Plancus. (Ep. ad ...

€ 450,00

PLUTARCHUS. Ploutarchou tou Chairôneôs Parallêla, ê Bioi parallêloi. Plutarchi Chaeronensis Parallela, seu Vitae parallelae, id est Vitae illustrium virorum, quos binos quasi paria composuit. (Geneve, Henricus Stephanus, 1572) 8vo. 3 volumes: vol. 1: (II),579,(1 blank); vol. 2: (2, = p. 581/82), p. 583-1213,(3 blank = p. 1214/16); vol. 3: p. (2 = p. 1217/18),1219-1923,(1 blank). 19th century vellum. 18 cm (Ref: GLN-2438; Renouard 134/35; Brunet 4,733; Hoffmann 3,171; Schweiger 2,258/9; Dibdin 2,336/7; Moss 2,507; Ebert 17406; Not in Graesse) (Details: These three volumes are the volumes 4, 5 & 6 of the 13 volume set 'Plutarchi Chaeronensis quae extant opera', which is the first edition of the complete works of Plutarch published by Henri Estienne in Geneva in 1572. The 3 volumes contain the complete Greek text of 'Ploutarchou tou Chairôneôs Parallêla, ê bioi ...

€ 1400,00

PLUTARCHUS. Les vies des hommes illustres grecs et romains, comparées l'une avec l'autre par Plutarque de Chaeronée. Translatées par M. Iacques Amyot Conseiller du Roy, & par luy reveuës & corrigées. Avec les vies d'Annibal & de Scipion l'Africain, traduites de Latin en François par Charles de l'Écluse. Plus les vies d'Epaminondas, de Philippus de Macedoine, de Dionysius l'aisné tyran de Sicile, d'Auguste Caesar, de Plutarque & de Senecque. Item les vies des excellens Chefs de guerre, escrites par Aemilius Probus. Amples sommaires sur chacune vie: annotations morales en marge, chronologie, divers indices, & les vives effigies des hommes illustres. Le tout recueilly & disposé par S.G. S. Paris (A Paris), Chez Jean du-Carroy, 1612. 8vo. 2 volumes: (XXXII),1181,(47 index);1294,(34 index) p. New vellum. 18.5 cm (Ref: cf. Hoffmann 3,214) ...

€ 375,00

PLUTARCHUS. Eenige morale of zedige werken van Plutarchus. Vertaalt door R. T. Amsterdam, Voor Hendrik Maneke, 1634. 12mo. (VIII),477,(3 blank) p., frontispiece. Vellum 12.5 cm (Ref: Geerebaert 69,8; Geerebaert gives as date 1644; OiN 307) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Engraved frontispiece, depicting a writer/philosopher and the Greek god Hermes standing beneath a bust (of Plutarch?) The frontispiece bears the impressum 'Amsterdam, 1643') (Condition: Vellum slightly soiled and spotted. Front hinge cracking, frontispiece loosening. Right margin of first gatherings somewhat thumbed. Very tiny and almost invisible pinpoint wormholes in the left lower corner, never coming near any text) (Note: This is a translation into Dutch of 10 treatises of Plutarch's Moralia: 'Van d'opvoedingh der Kinderen. Hoe, en met wat inzicht, de Ionghelinghen de Poeeten leezen moeten. Hoe men hooren moet. Van de zeedelijkcke ...

€ 340,00

PLUTARCHUS. T'Leven der doorluchtige Griecken ende Romeynen, tegen elck anderen vergeleken door Plutarchus van Chaeronea. Wt de Griecsche sprake overgeset door M. Iaques Amyot, Abt van Bellozane, ende Raedt des Coninckx van Franckrijck, by hem overzien ende verbetert. Mitsgaders het leven van Hannibal, Scipio den Africaen, uyt het Latyn verfranscht by Carolus Clusius. Voorder het Leven van Epaminondas, Philippus van Macedonien, Dionysius den Ouden (Tyran van Sicilien), Augustus Cesar, Plutarchus ende Seneca, ende noch het Leven vande negen treffelijcke krijgs-oversten beschreven door Aemylius Probus. Met een cort begrijp op elcx leven, Leeringen op de kant, Chronijck ende Leer-registers, alles versamelt ende uytgegeven by S(imon) G(oulart) S(enlisien). Tesamen van nieus tot gemeen nut verduyscht door A. V(an) Z(uylen) V(an) N(ieuvelt) ende ten deele by eenen anderen beminder. Delft (Tot Delft), Utrecht, (Tot Wtrecht), By Adriaen Gerritsen van Beyeren ende Felix ...

€ 475,00

PLUTARCHUS. Traitté de la superstition, composé par Plutarque, & traduit par Mr. Le Fevre. Avec un Entretien sur la vie de Romulus. Saumur, Par Jean Lesnier Marchand Libraire, 1666. 12mo. 52,117,(3) p. Calf 15 cm (Ref: Hoffmann 3,217; Graesse 5,369) (Details: Back with 4 raised bands; back and borders of the boards ruled blind. Woodcut printer's mark on the title of Jean Lesnier, it depicts an eagle that soars above a city; in its beak a banner with the motto 'movendo'. Woodcut headpieces and initials. Paper of excellent quality) (Condition: Binding a bit chafed, and slightly worn at the extremities. Tear in leaf A4) (Note: The Greek philosopher, historian and educator Plutarchus of Chaeroneia was born before 50 A.D., and died after A.D. 120. He is our most important witness of the spiritual climate of the first and second century A.D. He wrote numerous short treatises of popular moral philosophy, ...

€ 340,00

POEMATA PYTHAGORAE, & PHOCYLIDIS. Poemata Pythagorae, & Phocylidis. Cum duplici interpretatione Viti Amerbachii. (Bound with:) Theognidis Megarensis Sententiae, cum versione latina, ita ut verbum verbo conferri possit, addita earundem explicatione, a Philip. Melanth. in Schola Wuiteberggensi. (And:) Sibyllinorum Oraculorum libri VIII. Addita Sebastiani Castalionis interpretatione Latina quae Graeco eregione respondeat. Cum annotationib. Xysti Betuleij in Graeca Sibyllina oracula, et Sebastiani Castalionis in translationem suamque annotationes numeris marginalibus signantur. Ad 1: Strasbourg (Argentorati), Apud Christianum Mylium, 1565. Ad 2: Leipzig (Lipsiae), Ioannes Rhamba excudebat, 1569. Ad 3: Basel (Basileae), Per Ioannem Oporinum, n.d. (Colophon at the end: 'Basileae, Ex officina Ioannis Oporini, Anno Salutis humanae 1555, Mense Augusto) 8vo. 3 volumes in 1: Ad 1: 163,(4),(1 blank) p. Ad. 2: (95,(1 blank)) p. Ad 3: 333,(2),(1 blank) p. ...

€ 2500,00

POLYBIUS. EK TÔN POLUBIOU TOU MEGALOPOLITOU EKLOGAI PERI PRESBEIÔN. Ex libris Polybii Megalopolitani Selecta de legationibus; et alia quae sequenti pagina indicantur: (Fragmenta Ex Historiis Quae Non Extant: Dionysii Halicarnassei: Diodori Siculi: Appiani Alexandrini. Dionys. Cassii Nicaei De Legationibus. Dionys. Lib. LXXIX. Et LXXX. imperfectus. Emendationes In Polybium impressum Basileae per Ioannem Hervagium Anno M.D.XXIX) Nunc primum in lucem edita. Ex bibliotheca Fulvii Ursini. Antwerpen (Antverpiae), Ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1582. 4to. 2 parts in 1: (VIII),447,(1 blank);182 p. Calf 23 cm. 'Editio princeps' (Ref: Not in STCV; Hoffmann 3,270; Schweiger 1,272; Speeckaert/Sorgeloos no. 386; Voet, Plantin Press, 2081; Graesse 5,395: 'un jugement très honorable est porté sur cette éd. et sur le man. dont Ursin s'est servi, par Schweighaeuser'; Dibdin 2,351, note; Sandys, 'A ...

€ 950,00

POMEY,F. Pantheum mythicum, seu fabulosa deorum historia, hoc epitomes eruditionis volumine breviter dilucideque comprehensa. Auctore P. Francisco Pomey e Societate Jesu. Editio septima, denuo recensita, a quamplurimis erroribus repurgata, & aeneis figuris ornata. Utrecht (Ultrajecti), Apud Guilielmum vande Water, 1717. 8vo. (XVI),298,(14) p., frontispiece & 26 engraved plates. Calf. 16 cm 'Prize copy, including the manuscript prize' (Ref: STCN ppn 20819178X; Brunet 4,793; Michaud 34 p. 12: 'la meilleure édition est celle qu'a publiée Sam. Pitiscus'; Spoelder p. 635, Maastricht 3) (Details: Prize copy, with the prize. 5 thongs laced through the joints. Boards with gilt borders, corner pieces, and the gilt coat of arms of the city of Maastricht. Title-page printed in red & black. Woodcut printer's mark on the title. Engraved frontispiece depicting a number of deities. 26 engraved plates with mythological ...

€ 360,00

POMEY,F. Pantheum mythicum, seu fabulosa deorum historia, hoc epitomes eruditionis volumine breviter dilucideque comprehensa. Auctore P. Francisco Pomey e Societate Jesu. Editio septima, denuo recensita, a quamplurimis erroribus repurgata, & aeneis figuris ornata. Utrecht (Ultrajecti), Apud Guilielmum vande Water, 1717. 8vo. (XVI),298,(14) p., frontispiece & 26 engraved plates. Calf. 16 cm "Prize copy' (Ref: STCN ppn 20819178X; Brunet 4,793; Michaud 34 p. 12: 'la meilleure édition est celle qu'a publiée Sam. Pitiscus') (Details: Prize copy, probably of a Belgian Jesuit College. Back with 5 raised bands between gilt fillets & floral rolls. Black morocco gilt lettered shield in the second compartment. Boards with gilt fillet borders. Within the fillet border a gilt row consisting of ears of corn and quadrangles. A gilt lyre in all 4 corners. A gilt oval laurel wreath with in its center the gilt text PRAEMIUM. Edges ...

€ 300,00

PORPHYRIUS. PORPHURIOU PERI TOU EN TÊi ODUSSEIAi TÔN NUMPHÔN ANTROU. Porphyrius, De antro Nympharum. Graece cum Latina L. Holstenii versione. Graeca ad fidem editionum restituit, versionem C. Gesneri, & animadversiones suas adjecit R.M. van Goens Trajectinus. Praemissa est Dissertatio Homerica ad Porphyrium. Utrecht, (Traiecti ad Rhenum), Sumptibus Abrahami v. Paddenburg, 1765 4to. XXXIV,(2),XXXVI,122,8 p. Contemporary half calf 26.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 203268296; Hoffmann 3,284; Schweiger 1,274; Brunet 4,823/24; Ebert 17795; Graesse 5,415) (Details: Probably an Italian binding. Back gilt and with a red morocco shield. Title and the first leaf of the preliminaries, leaf chi1, and also L2 printed in red and black. Greek text followed by the Latin translation of Holstein, at the bottom of the page are the 'variae lectiones'. At the end has been added a second Latin translation, that of Conrad Gesner. A small text ...

€ 375,00

PORPHYRIUS. PORPHURIOU PERI TOU EN TÊi ODUSSEIAi TÔN NUMPHÔN ANTROU. Porphyrius, De antro Nympharum. Graece cum Latina L. Holstenii versione. Graeca ad fidem editionum restituit, versionem C. Gesneri, & animadversiones suas adjecit R.M. van Goens Trajectinus. Praemissa est Dissertatio Homerica ad Porphyrium. (Bound with:) PORPHURIOU PHILOSOPHOU PERI APOCHÊS EMPSUCHÔN BIBLIA TESSARA. Porphyrii Philosophi De abstinentia ab esu animalium libri quatuor. Cum notis integris Petri Victorii et Ioannis Valentini, et interpretatione Latina Ioannis Bernardi Feliciani. Editionem curavit & suas itemque Ioannis Iacobi Reiskii notas adiecit Iacobus De Rhoer. Accedunt IV. Epistolae de Apostasia Porphyrii. Ad 1: Utrecht, (Traiecti ad Rhenum), Sumptibus Abrahami v. Paddenburg, 1765. Ad 2: Utrecht, (Traiecti ad Rhenum), Apud Abrahamum a Paddenburg, 1767. ((colophon: Daventriae e typ. J. de Lange) 2 volumes in 1: 4to. ...

€ 900,00

POUQUEVILLE,F.Ch.H.L. Grèce, par M. Pouqueville, membre de l'Institut (Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres), ancien Consul Général de France au Levant. Paris, Firmin Didot Frères, 1835. 8vo. (IV),448 p., 112 engraved plates, 2 folding maps. Contemporary hardback. 22 cm (Details: Original decorated brown and blue publisher's binding) (Condition: Cover slightly worn at the extremities. Partly foxed, especially the first 80 p.) (Note: We quote Ioli Vingopoulou's article on this book, which is to be found on the website of the Aikatirini Laskaridis Foundation, 'Travellogues, Travellers, views; Places - Monuments - People; Southeastern Europe - Eastern Mediterranean, Greece - Asia Minor - Southern Italy, 15th - 20th century': 'François-Charles-Hugues-Laurent Pouqueville (1770-1838) was a French physician, diplomat, writer, and ardent Philhellene. He was born in ...

€ 220,00

PROPERTIUS. Sex. Aurelii Propertii Elegiarum libri quatuor. Ad fidem veterum membranarum curis secundis Jani Broukhusii sedulo castigati. Accedunt terni indices, quorum primus omnes voces Propertianas complectitur. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Rod. & Gerh. Wetstenios, 1727. 4to. (XXXII, including the frontispiece), 489,(1),(109 indices),(1 blank) p. Contemporary calf. 24 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 18661859X; Schweiger 2,830; Dibdin 1,384: 'very valuable'; Moss 1,274: 'A good edition, containing a valuable and useful commentary'; Graesse 5,460: 'belle édition'; Ebert 18028; Brunet 4,904/05: 'Édition assez recherchée'; Fabricius/Ernesti 1,435) (Details: Back gilt and with 5 raised bands. Brown morocco shield in the second compartment. Frontispiece designed and executed by J. Mulder, it depicts a Roman Emperor in a chariot; he is leading a triumph; in front of him the wives of his conquered ...

€ 340,00

PRUDENTIUS. Aurelii Prudentii Clementis, Viri Consularis, rerum divinarum, religionis Christianae, iuris item civilis & militaris peritia excellentis, opera. Lyon (Lugduni), Apud Ioan. Tornaesium et Guil. Gazeium, 1553. 8vo. 519,(1 blank) p. Contemporary pigskin over wooden boards. 13.5 cm Prudentius hat sich in der lyrischen, in der epischen und in der didaktischen Poesie versucht und allenthalben Grosses geleistet (Bardenhewer) (Ref: Cartier, 'Bibliographie des éditions des De Tournes' no. 258; Graesse 5,467; Ebert 18063) (Details: Contemporary pigskin over wooden boards. Back with 3 raised bands. Boards decorated with a row of blind-tooled rolls, comprising floral motives and 10 portraits in medallions; there are 2 kind of portraits, of 'Iusticia' and of 'Lucrecia'; Iusticia holds what looks like a disk before her face, and Lucrecia stabs herself in the breast with a dagger. If this disk, which is ...

€ 620,00

PRUDENTIUS. Aurelii Prudentii Clementis V.C. Opera. Ex postrema doct. virorum recensione. Amsterdam (Amsterodami), Apud Guiljel. Janss. Caesium (Blaeu), 1625. 12mo. 261,(1 blank) p. Vellum. 11.1 cm Horatius Christianus (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Engraved title, it depicts a huge Christian warrior who makes mincemeat of heathens and heretics. There in no introduction, only the text) (Condition: Some small spots on the boards. The edges of the front flyleaf are thumbed and show 2 tears. Upper edge of first leaves slightly thumbed. Very tiny hole in inner margin of the title) (Note: The Roman poet Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, born 348/49, died after 405 A.D., of Spanish origin, was besides a man of letters also an industrious public servant. He was a fervent Christian, who had not cut himself off from the culture of the ancient world. 'He regarded the pagan literature and art not as things to be rejected ...

€ 375,00

PYTHAGORAS.- JÖCHER,Chr.G. De Pythagorae methodo philosophiam docendi disserit, atque ad Orationem memoriae Ridelianae sacram die XXV Novemb. A.R.S. MDCCXLI in Auditorio Philosophico, hora IX habendam, invitat Christ. Gottlieb Ioecher, Academiae H.T. Rector, et ordinis philosophici exdecanus. N.pl. (Lipsiae), Breitkopf (literis Breitkopfianis), 1741. 4to. 12 p. Paper wrappers gone. 19.5 cm (Ref: NDB 10,452; not yet in VD18) (Condition: The original green paper wrapper has been removed) (Note: Invitation of the Rector of the University of Leipzig Christian Gottlieb Jöcher to attent a meeting in the 'Philosophicum Auditorium', in memory of 'Georgius Ridelius von Leuenstern und Seyfersdorf'. (p. 12) ADB/NDB does not know him. In Worldcat we found invitations to such meetings to commemorate Ridelius in 1713, 1728, 1732, 1733 & 1748. Ridelius had established a fund for scholarships for students from his own region. ...

€ 90,00

QUINTILIANUS. M. Fabii Quintiliani Institutionum oratoriarum libri duodecim, summa diligentia ad fidem vetustissimorum codicum recogniti, ac restituti. Novae huic editioni adiecit Fabianarum notarum spicilegium subcisivum Daniel Pareus Phil. Fil. Accesserunt etiam Quintilianorum declamationes. London (Londini), Typis E.G. Impensis R. Whitakeri, 1641. 8vo. 2 parts in 1: 569,(6 index),(1 blank); 722,(2 blank); (58 index),(2 blank) p. Modern half vellum 18 cm 'Practical, humane, fascinating, still of signifance'. (Ref: ESTC Citation No. R16191; Schweiger 2,839; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,273; cf. Graesse 5,527 for the edition Franktfurt 1629 with exact the same title) (Details: Back with 3 raised bands) (Condition: Endpapers renewed. Old ownership entries, and some small notes on the title. Paper yellowing. Right lower corner of 3/4 hardly visibly waterstained. Small hole in the blank margin of p. 13/14) (Note: The Roman orator ...

€ 425,00

(RAPIN,R.) Observationes in poëmata Homeri et Virgilii, e Gallico latine redditae. (Jano Broukhusio interprete). Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Apud Franciscum Halma, Academ. Typogr. Ordinarium, 1684. 12mo. 128 p. Contemporary calf 17 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,1247; Hoffmann 2,377; A. Grafton, The classical tradition, Cambr. Mass., p. 496) (Details: Gilt back with 5 raised bands, and a small red morocco shield in the second compartment, reading: 'Obs. in Hom. & Vir. Woodcut of two winged putti on the title) (Condition: Back rubbed, gilt fading away. 1 lower corner bumped. Old bibliographic inscription on the verso of the front flyleaf) (Note: René Rapin (Renatus Rapinus), 1621-1687, was a French Jesuit, who earned his fame as a Neolatin and French poet, and was called 'the second Theocritus'. Rapin also distinguished himself with his critical essays. Alongside Boileau he set forth the neo-classic canon of his age. ...

€ 300,00

RATRAMNUS. Ratramne, ou Bertram, pretre. Du Corps et du Sang du Seigneur. Avec une dissertation preliminaire, sur Ratramne, & une autre dissertation historique sur la vie & les ouvrages de cet auteur. Traduite de l'Anglois. Amsterdam, 1717. 12mo. 287,(1 blank) p. Mottled calf. 16.5 cm (Ref: Brunet 1,822; 3 copies in STCN; cf. Ebert 18665) (Details: Gilt back with a red morocco letterpiece. Marbled endpapers. Edges dyed red. Ttitle in red & black. The first 184 pages contain the two dissertations on Ratramnus, p. 185-287 contain the Latin text with an opposing French translation) (Condition: Corners slightly bumped) (Note: Ratramnus was a Benedictine monk of Corbie (+ 870). In 843/44 he wrote this work on request of Charles the Bald, in which he emphasises the figurative nature of the sacraments, and contradicted the doctrine of the transsubstantiation. He also goes under the name Bertram or Intramn. The book was ...

€ 250,00