HORATIUS. Q. Horatius Flaccus, cum erudito Laevini Torrentii commentario, nunc primum in lucem edito. Item Petri Nannii Alcmariani in Artem Poëticam. Antwerp (Antverpiae), Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Ioannem Moretum, 1608. 4to. (XX),839,(1 blank),(46 index) p. (2 engraved portraits, of Torrentius and Horace) Modern half vellum 26 cm (Ref: STCV:6607438; Schweiger 2,401: 'Commentar zeichnet sich durch Kenntniss der Grammatik'; Dibdin 2,97; Moss 2,14: 'A very beautiful and critical edition'; Ebert 10175: 'some of his corrections are very happy'; Fabricius/Ernesti 1,410: 'Cum erudito commentario Laevini Torentii, bonis Codd. MSS. usi') (Details: Modern and modest binding, antique style. Engraved printer's mark on the title, motto: 'Labore et Constantia'. Engraved portrait of Torrentius after Gisbert Venius, beneath the portrait 2 distichs by the Antwerp Neolatin poet Johannes Bochius (Jan Boghe); ...
HORATIUS. Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Accedunt nunc Danielis Heinsii De Satyra Horatiana libri duo, in quibus totum poëtae institutum & genius expenditur. Cum ejusdem in omnia poëtae animadversionibus, longe auctioribus. Leiden (Lugd. Batav.), Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1629. 12mo. 3 volumes in 1: (XXXII),239,(1 blank); 250,(4 blank); 296 (recte 286) p. Modern calf 13.5 cm The best and most complete Horace edition of Heinsius (Ref: Willems 314: 'cette édition d'Horace est jolie, et les exemplaires bien conservés se vendent assez cher'; Schweiger 2,403: 'Beste Ausgabe von Heinsius. Sehr sauber, in vollständigen Exx. höchst selten'; cf. Dibdin 2,97/98; Berghman 2069: 'Édition jolie et recherchée'; Rahir 285; Copinger 2396; Graesse 3,353; Ebert 10179) (Details: Modern calf, back with 4 raised bands; with engraved main title, and 2 separate titles, the first bearing the date 1628, the ...
HORATIUS. Q. Horatius Flaccus ex recensione Heinsii et Fabri, ac cum variis lectionibus Rich. Bentleii. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Ap. R. et G. Wetstenios, 1719. 12mo. 214,(2 blank) p. Vellum 12.5 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,407; Graesse 3,354) (Details: 4 thongs laced through the joints. Title engraved by J. Wandelaar) (Condition: Vellum age-tanned. Both pastedown detached. Right margin slightly thumbed. Engraved title coloured with watercolours. Some old ink underlinings. Faintly waterstained) (Note: This booklet was produced for schoolboys and educated men able to read Latin, but not to be bothered with philological niceties. The Wetsteins had already published an important Horace edition of the English genius Richard Bentley for scholars in Amsterdam in 1713. In a short note (p. 5) the 'typographus' Wetstein tells the reader that this booklet offers all that is to be desired for little money (paucis accipe). The odes, he ...
HORATIUS. Hekeldichten, brieven en dichtkunst van Q. Horatius Flaccus. In Nederduitsche vaarzen overgebragt door B. Huydecoper. Amsterdam, By d'Erven J. Ratelband en Compagnie, en Hermanus Uitwerf, 1737. 4to. (XX),292,(1 errata) p., frontispiece & portrait. Half calf. 20 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 184323649; OiN p. 212; Geerebaert 111,41,II) (Details: Back gilt, and with an orange morocco shield. Frontispiece by J.C. Philips, showing a rich man in a kind of skybox of a hippodrome being served by 3 servants, an example of the decadent luxury Horatius criticizes. Of the same engraver a portrait of Horatius on the title. A beautiful portrait of the translator Huydecoper, engraved by J. Houbraken after a painting of J.M. Quinkhard, at the beginning of the translation) (Condition: Back rubbed. Wear to the extremes, corners and spine ends; front joint partly split) (Note: Balthasar Huydecoper, 1695-1778, famous Dutch poet, linguist ...
HORATIUS. Quinti Horatii Flacci Carmina, nitori suo restituta. Accurante Steph. And. Philippe. Paris (Lutetiae Parisiorum), Sumptibus Ant. Urb. Coustelier, 1746. (Colophon at the foot of leaf 2B6v reads: 'Typis viduae Delatour') Small 8vo. Engraved frontispiece, XXIV,299,(1 blank) p. Calf 15,5 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,410; Brunet 3,320; Graesse 3,355; Ebert 10211) (Details: Nice copy. Back gilt and with 5 raised bands. Boards with tripple fillet gilt borders. Gilt inside dentelles. Edges of the bookblock gilt. Green marbled endpapers. Frontispiece designed by B. Picart, and executed by Cl. Duflos. (Claude-Augustin-Pierre Duflos) It depicts a bucolic scene with in the foreground Venus and little Amor; in the middle a medallion with a portrait of Horace. Printer's mark of the Estiennes on the title, featuring an old man who stands in the shade of a vine-entwined elmtree, symbolising the symbiotic relationship between scholar and ...
HORATIUS. Q. Horatii Flacci Carmina expurgata. Accuratis notis ac appendice de Diis & Heroibus Poëticis illustravit Josephus Juvencius. Editio prioribus auctior & emendatior. Iuxta exemplar Romae. Cum privilegio Regis. Rouen (Rothomagi), Ex typographia privilegio distincta, 1790. (XVIII),XXX,407,(12I = index),(1 blank) p. Half calf. 17 cm (Ref: cf Schweiger 2,405 for the first edition) (Details: Back gilt, endpapers and boards marbled) (Condition: Some wear to the extremes of the binding. Occasional ink & pencil marginalia. A few very pinpoint wormholes, almost invisible, in the blank lower margin, from p. 145 till the end) (Note: This school edition of Horace is the work of the French Jesuit scholar, poet and paedagogue Joseph de Jouvancy, or Jouvency, in Latin Josephus Juvencius, 1643-1719. Jouvancy entered the Society of Jesus when he was sixteen, 'and after completing his studies he taught grammar at ...
HORATIUS. Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera. Cum novo commentario ad modum Joannis Bond. Paris (Parisiis), Ex typographia Firminorum Didot, 1855. 12mo. (VIII),46,299,(1 blank) p., including a frontispiece, engraved title, 6 photo-lithographs, 11 lithographed vignette headpieces, 2 double page maps. Brown morocco 14 cm 'Pour quelques exemplaires, la photographie, cette merveille de notre siècle, a reproduit les dessins mêmes de M. Barrias'. (Ref: Brunet 3,325; Graesse 3,357) (Details: Signed binding by the French bookbinder Lortic. Back with four raised bands, lettered, and with four gilt fleurons; gilt short title and imprint in the second and third compartment. Borders of the boards tooled in blind, with in the corners a gilt floral element. A fine gilt centerpiece on both boards. Gilt inside dentelles, edges gilt. Marbled endpapers. Engraved titlepage within floral borders. Photo-lithographed frontispiece made by the ...
HORATIUS.- WAGNER,H. Q. Horatii Flacci Carmina collatione scriptorum graecorum illustrata ab Henrico Wagnero. Praefatus est Christ. Adolphus Klotzius. Halle (Halae Magdeburgicae), Impensis Orphanotrophei, 1770. 8vo. (VIII),XXII,136 p. Contemporary boards 20 cm (Ref: not yet in VD18; Schweiger 2,461; Ebert 10280; Brunet 6, no. 12507) (Details: Woodcut printer's mark on the title) (Condition: Binding scuffed and spotted. Owner's inscriptions written on the front endpapers. First and last leaves browning, the rest is yellowing) (Note: The works of the Roman poet Quintus Horatius Flaccus, 65-8 B.C., have enjoyed a continuous presence in European culture. His memorable phrases made him the most quoted ancient author. Till well into the 20th century he stood central in school curricula. Earlier, in the Middle Ages, he was next to Vergil the most important school author. Horace is transmitted in around 300 medieval ...
HUET,P.D. Histoire du commerce et de la navigation des anciens. Par M. Huet, ancien Evêque d'Avranches, sous-Précepteur de feu Mr. le Dauphin, & l'un des quarante de l'Académie Françoise. Seconde édition, revue. Paris, Chez Antoine-Urbain Coustelier, 1716. 8vo. (XXIV),446,(50 index) p. Old marbled boards. 17 cm (Ref: Sandys 2,292/3) (Details: Margins uncut, woodcut illustration on the title) (Condition: Binding worn. Back faded. 2 old paper labels on the back. Library stamp on the title) (Note: The French cleric and scholar Pierre Daniel Huet, 1630-1721, was coadjutor in the tuition of the Grand Dauphin, the son of Louis XIV, future king. He was also general editor and organiser of the wellknown series of Delphin Classics. Among patrologists he is best known for his edition in 1668 in Rouen of Origenes' 'Commentaria in Sacras Scripturas'. In the preface to this ...
HUG,I.L. Untersuchungen über den Mythos der berühmtern Völker der alten Welt, vorzüglich der Griechen; dessen Entstehen, Veränderungen und Innhalt. Freiburg und Konstanz, In der Herderschen Buchhandlung, 1812. (VI),IV,349,(1 blank) p. Half cloth 25 cm (Details: Simple binding. 4 large folding plates, 1: of the zodiac of the two hemispheres, 3 & 4: 'Alter Tierkreis den man in dem Tempel zu Tentyra in Oberägypten gefunden hat', and 4: engraving of the Egyptian zodiac. Four nice engravings in the text) (Condition: Back slightly damaged. Somewhat foxed) (Note: The German Roman Catholic theologian, orientalist and biblical scholar Johann Leonhard Hug, 1765-1846, was called to the Freiburg chair of Oriental languages and Old Testament exegesis in 1791. Hug published on the Synoptic Gospels. He further wrote on the origin of alphabetical writing (Die Erfindung der Buch-stabenschrift, 1801), on the antiquity of the Codex Vaticanus ...
JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS. Fl. Iosephi Omnia, quae extant, opera. (Tomus I & II:) Quorum hic tomus (I& II) continet Antiquitatum Iudaicarum libros (decem priores et libri X posteriores). Lyon, (Lugduni), Apud Seb. Gryphium, 1546. 8vo. 2 volumes: (LXXII index),552,(1 blank),(1 printer's mark); 526,(1 blank),(1 printer's mark) p. 20th century leather 18 cm Omnia quae extant opera vol. 1 & 2: De antiquitatibus Iudaeorum libri XX (Ref: Schreckenberg p. 7, Schreckenberg Supplementband p. 167; Hoffmann 2,450; Graesse 3,481) (Details: These two volumes are the volumes 1 & 2 of a 3 volume set 'Omnia quae extant opera', and they contain the complete Latin translation of 'De antiquitatibus Iudaeorum libri XX'. Volume 3, with the remaining works of Josephus, is lacking. On the titles are the printer's mark of Sebastianus Gryphius, depicting a griffin, which mythological animal symbolizes courage, diligence, ...
JULIANUS. Les Césars de l'empereur Julien, traduits du grec par feu Mr. le Baron de Spanheim, avec des remarques & des preuves, enrichies de plus de 300 médailles, & autres anciens monumens, gravés par Bernard Picart le Romain. Amsterdam, Chez François l'Honoré, 1728. 4to. (XII, including frontispiece),XLII,286,(2);196 p., portrait, numerous text illustrations. Full contemporary calf. 26 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 183621573; Hoffmann 2,496; Brunet 3,597: 'édition recherchée'; Ebert 10997; Graesse 3,497; Neue Pauly, Suppl. 2, p. 338, where the edition of 1683 is mentioned) (Details: Gilt back with 5 raised bands. Red morocco shield in the second compartment. Title in red en black. Finely engraved frontispiece, it depicts a banquet scene with dining and discussing deified Roman emperors. Engraved vignette of Julian on the title. Full page engraved portrait, depicting at full ...
JUSTINUS MARTYR & TERTULLIANUS. Justini en Tertulliani Verantwoording voor de Christenen, tegens de Heydenen; als mede Minutii Felicis t'Samen-spraak tussen Octavius en Caecilius. Ook zijn hier achter by-gevoegt, de brieven van Clemens Romanus en Policarpus. Amsterdam, Gedrukt by Jan Rieuwertsz, Haarlem, By Jan Gerritsz. Geldorp, Boek-verkopers, 1684. 8vo. (VIII),183,(1 blank);117,(1 blank),73,(1 blank);47,(1 blank),11,(1 blank),13,(3 blank) Vellum 16 cm 'An interesting collection of translations into Dutch of early Christian works' (Ref: STCN ppn 056885253; OiN 236 Justinus, 'integrale vert. van Apol. 1-2'; titles of Tertullianus, Minucius, Clemens Romanus & Polycarpus not in OiN; 6 copies in NCC) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Manuscript title on the back. Woodcut initials. The Letter of Clemens has a separate title page, indicating that this is the 3rd impression) (Condition: Vellum slightly ...
JUSTINUS. Iustini Historici Clarissimi In Trogi Pompeii historias libri quadragintaquatuor, a Ioan. Sichardo summa diligentia recogniti & illustrati. Quibus adiecimus, certo consilio, Sex. Aurelium Victorem, qui Caesarum vitas a D. Augusto ad Theodosium usque, historia prosequutus est. Cum indice. Basel (Basileae), Apud Andream Cratandrum, 1526. Cum privilegio Caesareo. (Colophon at the end: 'Basileae, per Andream Cratandrum, Mense Ianuario, anno 1526') 8vo. (VIII),371,(41 index, errata, colophon) p. 20th century overlapping vellum 14.5 cm (Ref: VD16 T 2050; Schweiger 2,487; Graesse 3,512; Ebert 11134) (Details: Printed completely in italic letters. Woodcut printer's mark on the last page, it depicts an almost naked Fortuna with winged feet standing on a globe, which is divided in four parts; in her right hand she hold a opened razor blade, with her left hand she makes a gesture as if she wants to grab something; the back of ...
JUSTINUS. Justini Historiae Philippicae. Variantes lectiones adjecit P. Burmannus. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Samuel. Luchtmans, 1722. 12mo. Frontispiece, (XXIV),443,(62 index),(1 blank) p. Contemporary stiff wrappers. 14 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,492; Fabricius/Ernesti 3,66; Graesse 3,513; Ebert 11155) (Details: Margins uncut. Engraved frontispiece, depicting a half naked woman, who blows a trumpet that she holds in her left hand; in her right hands she holds a string to which are attached 2 crowns and a laurel wreath; she stands on a globe, amidst all kinds of spolia; right of her is a monument with celestial symbols, stars and a radiant sun. Is she a combination of Fama, Dea Roma, Juno Caelestis? On the title a woodcut printer's mark, that shows a standing woman within an oval wreath; she hold in her right hand a hammer, in her left a hook, a little flame burns on her head, at her feet is a crane, that holds a stone in one of its ...
JUVENALIS & PERSIUS. D. Junii Juvenalis et Auli Persii Flacci Satyrae: cum Veteris Scholiastae & Variorum Commentariis. Accurante Cornelio Schrevelio. Leiden (Lugd. Bat.), Apud Franciscum Hackium, 1658. 8vo. (XVI),638,(42 index) p. Overlapping vellum 20 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 840202245; Schweiger 2,511; Dibdin 2,154; Moss 2,158/9; Ebert 11242; Graesse 3,520) (Details: 6 thongs laced through both joints. Shorttitle in ink on the back. The engraved title, which is not signed, is used here for the second time. It was first used for the original edition of 1648, of which this 1658 edition is a reissue; The engraved title of 1648 still bears the name of the engraver, it is executed by the Dutch Golden Age engraver Reinier van Persijn; for this edition of 1658, the X before LVIII was simply filed away from the copper plate, and at the same time the name of Persijn, just beneath the X. The title depicts allegorical scenes: on the left a naked woman sitting on a crocodile, ...
JUVENALIS & PERSIUS. D. Junii Juvenalis et Auli Persii Flacci Satyrae: cum Veteris Scholiastae & Variorum Commentariis. Accurante Cornelio Schrevelio. Leiden (Lugd. Batav.), Ex officina Hackiana, 1671. 8vo. (XVI),604,(42 index) p. Vellum 20 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 840013876; Schweiger 2,511; Dibdin 2,154; Moss 2,158/9; Ebert 11242; Graesse 3,520) (Details: 5 thongs laced through both joints. Short title in ink on the back. The engraved title, which is not signed, is used here for the third time. It was first used for the original edition of 1648, for a repetition in 1658, and for this 1671 reissue. In 1648 the engraved title still bears the name of the engraver, it is executed by the Dutch Golden Age engraver Reinier van Persijn. The title depicts a complicated allegorical scene: on the left a naked woman sitting on a crocodile, holding in her hand a parrot; then a Janus-headed woman, with bird feet and a tail, holding up in her left hand a Momus-mask, and ...
JUVENALIS. D. Iunii Iuvenalis Satirarum libri V. Sulpiciae Satira. Nova editio, cura Nicolai Rigaltii. Paris (Lutetiae), Ex officina Rob. Stephani, 1616. 12mo. (XL),126,(2 blank) p. 19th century half cloth. 13.5 cm 'The most important, most widely read, most influential classical poet throughout the 17th and 18th centuries' (Ref: Schweiger 2,503/04: 'Neue Recension, nach Handschriften. Die Noten sind kurz und von Werth. Sauber und nicht häufig'; Dibdin 2,154, on the editions of 1613-1616: 'These editions especially the latter, are classical and correct, and the type is beautiful'; Renouard, Robertus tertius, p. 202; Moss 2,158; Graesse 3,520; Ebert 11236) (Details: Back ruled gilt, boards marbled. Woodcut printer's Olive tree device of the Stephanus family on the title, motto: 'Noli altum sapere, sed time', in English 'Donot be high-minded, but fear'. (Epistola Beati Pauli ad Romanos 11,20) ...
JUVENALIS. D. Iunii Iuvenalis Aquinatis Satirae XVI. Recensuit et annotationibus instruxit Ernestus Guilielmus Weber, Weissenseas, Philos. Dr. et Professor Gymnasii Wimariensis. Weimar (Wimariae), In novo Bibliopolio, vulgo Landes-Industrie-Comptoir, 1825. 8vo. X,380,(2 corrigenda) p. Half calf 22 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,505: 'Neue Recognition des Textes. Ruperti's Text liegt zum Grunde. Die Interpunktion ist vereinfacht. Die schwierigen Stellen sind trefflich erläutert'; Graesse 3,521; Not in Spoelder p. 554, Enkhuizen) (Details: Prize copy of the Gymnasium of Enkhuizen, including the prize, printed on thick paper. Spine divided by double gilt fillets. Gilt lettered shield in the 'second compartment') (Condition: Binding worn at the extremes. Owing to a binder's error the pages in the 23rd and 24th gathering (from p. 353 to 376) have been mixed up, and 4 of those leaves have been bound double) (Note: The Roman ...
KIST,W. Gulielmi Kist, Oratio de voluptate animi ex diligenti veterum auctorum lectione capienda. Publice dicta Medioburgi A.D. X Iunii 1789, cum Historiarum et Eloquentiae Professionem in Illustri Athenaeo sollemniter auspicaretur. Middelburg (Medioburgi), Apud Petrum Gillissen et filium, 1789. 43 p. Sewn in contemporary marbled paper wrapper. 26 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 157807282) (Condition: Somewhat dog-eared. Frontcover loosening) (Note: The Dutch author and schoolmaster Willem (Gulielmus) Kist,1758-1841, studied in Leiden Latin and Greek under L.C. Valckenaer and D. Ruhnkenius. In 1779 he was appointed Conrector of the 'Scholae Latinae' in Breda. In 1784 he moved to the city of Middelburg, where he became Rector of the local 'Athenaeum Illustre'. His inaugural speech was entitled 'De calamitatibus, quae ex neglecta subolis educatione oriuntur et Patriae ruinam minantur'. (Medioburgi 1784) Three years later the ...