STEPHANUS, HENRICUS. De latinitate falso suspecta, expostulatio Henrici Stephani. Lectori non metuenda in lat. metuenti./ Túne pudore taces, quia barbarus esse vereris?/ Eia, metum & linguam solue, Latinus eris./ Eiusdem De Plauti Latinitate Dissertatio, & ad lectionem illius Progymnasma. (Geneva), Excudebat Henricus Stephanus, 1576. Small 8vo. (XVI),400 p. Modern vellum 15 cm An attack on Ciceronianism, the cult of the usage of Cicero as the only correct Latin (Ref: GLN-2585; Schreiber, Estiennes, n° 198; Brunet 2,1079; Graesse 2,507; Ebert 6974; Renouard p. 144: 1576,3) (Details: Printer's Olive tree device of the Stephanus family on the title, motto: 'Noli altum sapere', short for 'Noli altum sapere, sed time', in English 'Donot be high-minded, but fear'. (Epistola Beati Pauli ad Romanos 11,20) Edges dyed red) (Condition: Title slightly foxed; Old name on the title) ...
STRABO. Strabonis Geographicorum lib. XVII. Olim, ut putatur, a Guarino Veronensi ac Gregorio Trifernate latinitate donati, iam denuo a Conrado Heresbachio LL. doctore, Principisque Iuliacensis consiliario ad fidem Graeci exemplaris authorumque, qui huc facere videbantur, recogniti, ac plerisque locis deintegro versi. Item Epitomae eorundem decem & septem de Geographia librorum, nunc primum de Graeco sermone in Latinum conversae, Hieronymo Gemusaeo, D. medico & philosopho interprete. Basel (Basileae), Apud Ioan. Vualder, 1539. Folio. (LXXXVIII),549,(1 blank),(26 index) p. Calf 33 cm (Ref: VD16 S9347; Griechischer Geist aus Basler Pressen, 288; USTC 694729; Hoffmann 3,457/58; Ebert 21826; Adams S-1904; Graesse 6/1,506; Schweiger 1,304) (Details: Recently and expertly rebacked antique style: back with 6 raised bands & a morocco shield. Title with engraved architectural borders. Johann Walder's printer's mark on the title, it depicts a parrot ...
STRATENUS, PETRUS. Petri Stratini Iuris Cti Venus Zeelanda et alia ejus poëmata. C. Boyus I.C. collegit & edidit. The Hague (Hagae-Comitis), Ex officina Theodori Maire, 1641. 12mo. (XX),218,(2 blank) p. Vellum 15 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 85221460X; Oberlé no. 495; IJsewijn p. 152; Graesse 6,509; Brunet Supplément 2,699: 'Poésies fort rares') (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. Frontispiece, depicting the personification of the Dutch province of Zeeland, a half naked Venus Zeelanda, who floats in a boatlike shell; in her hands she holds a burning heart and an arrow; in the background the skyline of Goes, the birthplace of Stratenus; in the sky a soaring Amor, Venus' companion, who holds in each hand a medallion with a portrait of a young woman, called Chloe and Blonda. § Engraved portrait of Petrus Stratenus, with a 3 elegiac couplets by the editor C. Boyus; the portrait is probably ...
SUETONIUS. Caji Suetoniii Tranquilli Opera, et in illa commentarius Samuelis Pitisci, quo antiquitates romanae, tum ab interpretibus doctissimis, Beroaldo, Sabellico, Egnatio, Ursino, Grutero, Torrentio, Casaubono, Marcilio, Boxhornio, Graevio, Babelonio etiam explicatae, tum ab illis neglectae, ex auctoribus indoneis permultis, graecis & latinis, veteribus & recentioribus, perpetuo tenore explicantur. Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Ex Officina Francisci Halmae, Academiae typographi, 1690. 8vo. 2 volumes: (XL, including frontispiece),932; (II),924 p., 12 engraved portraits, and 28 plates, of which 1 folding, and 1 double page. Vellum 20 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 833699237; Schweiger 2,978; Didbin 2,442; Moss 2,632; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,459; Graesse 6/1,523; Ebert 21930: 'Beste Ausgabe für die Suite 'cum notis variorum'') (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. Frontispiece by G. Hoet and T. Mulder, depicting 'Roma ...
SUETONIUS. C. Suetonius Tranquillus, ex recensione Joannis Georgii Graevii, cum ejusdem animadversionibus, ut et commentario integro Laevini Torrentii, Isaaci Casauboni, & Theodori Marcilii, nec non selectis aliorum. Editio secunda auctior & emendatior. The Hague (Hagae-Comitis), Apud Johannem a Velsen; Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Typis Rudolphi a Zyll & Anthonii Schouten, 1691. 4to. 2 parts in 1: (XVI),822 (recte 800); 110,(153 index),(1 blank) p., frontispiece, 12 full-page engraved portraits of emperors, 1 folding plate showing an inscription. Half calf. 24.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 852709684; Schweiger 2,978; Ebert 21931; Moss 2,631; Dibdin 2,441; Brunet 5,582) (Details: Back gilt, and with a red morocco shield. Boards marbled. Frontispiece depicting Suetonius at work at a desk in the Pantheon. Woodcut printers' mark on the title, depicting 'Minerva Traiectina', who rests under an olive tree; a ribbon in the tree ...
SUETONIUS. C. Suetonius Tranquillus, ex recensione Joannis Georgii Graevii, cum ejusdem animadversionibus, ut et commentario integro Laevini Torrentii, Isaaci Casauboni, & Theodori Marcilii, et cum notis ac numismatibus, quibus illustratus est a Carolo Patino. Accedunt notae selectiores aliorum. Editio tertia auctior & emendatior. Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Apud Guilielmum à Poolsum, 1708. 4to. 2 parts in 1: (XVI),829 (recte 807),(1 blank); 79,(4 index),(1 blank); 110,(153 index),(1 blank) p. Frontispiece. Vellum. 24 cm 'Prize copy with the manuscript prize' (Ref: STCN ppn 203443551; Schweiger 2,979; Ebert 21933; cf. Moss 2,631; cf. Dibdin 2,441; cf. Fabricius/Ernesti 2,458/59; Brunet 5,582; Spoelder p. 711, IJsselstein 2) (Details: Back with 5 raised bands. Binding gilt, and with the gilt coat of arms of IJsselstein on the boards. Including the prize. The frontispiece, dated 1703, depicts Suetonius at work at a ...
SUETONIUS. C. Suetonius Tranquillus, cum notis integris Jo. Bapt. Egnatii, Henrici Glareani, Laevini Torrentii, Fulvii Ursini, Isacii Casauboni, Jani Gruteri, Theod. Marcilii, Joannis Georgii Graevii, Caroli Patini, (qui ex numismatibus illustravit) & selectis aliorum curante Petro Burmanno, qui & suas adnotationes adjecit. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Janssonio-Waesbergios, 1736. 4to. 2 volumes: (IV, frontispiece & title),(XX),808;420,(2),(34 plates),202,(5 index numismaticum in Caroli Patini figuris & notis),(1 blank) p.; p. 421-492;(204 indices),(1),(3 blank) p. Brown morocco. 27 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 183108442; Schweiger 2,979/80; Dibdin 2,442/43: 'a very valuable edition'; Moss 2,632; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,459; Brunet 5,583; Graesse 6/1,523; Ebert 21937) (Details: Backs gilt and with 4 raised bands. Boards with gilt quadruple fillets. Marbled endpapers and edges. Frontispiece produced by W. Jong, it depicts Father ...
SUETONIUS. Cajus Suetonius Tranquillus, ex recensione Francisci Oudendorpii, qui variantes lectiones, suasque animadversiones adjecit; intermixtis J.G. Graevii, et J. Gronovii, nec non ineditis Caroli Andreae Dukeri adnotationibus. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Samuelem Luchtmans & filios, 1751. 8vo. 2 parts in 1: (XLIV),1024,(32, index) p.; frontispiece, 12 plates. Vellum 21 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 241753686; Schweiger 2,980; Dibdin 2,443; Moss 2,633 (corrects Dibdin); Fabricius/Ernesti 2,460: ' bene sane de Suetonio meritus'; Graesse 6,523; Ebert 21938: 'Eine durch neue krit. und exeget. Ausstattung sich sehr empfehlende Handausgabe'; 'Spoelder p. 685, Utrecht 5) (Details: Nice prize copy, without the prize. 6 thongs laced through the joints. Back with 7 gilt bands and rosettes. Boards with gilt floral borders, corner pieces, and the coat of arms of Utrecht. Frontispiece of H. van der Mij and J.v.d. Spijk, depicting a ...
SUETONIUS. Cajus Suetonius Tranquillus, ad optimorum exemplarium fidem castigatus. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud S. et J. Luchtmans, 1767. 12mo. (VI),408 p. Vellum 14 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,980; Ebert; 21938) (Details: The frontispiece depicts the author at a desk, having a book before him; he seems to discuss with an emperor (Trajan or Hadrian). In the background two rows with busts of emperors) (Condition: Binding age-toned and slightly soiled. Paper yellowing. One gathering loosening. Some small ink marks) (Note: The Roman historian Suetonius, born c. 69 A.D, is the most influential and best known biographer in the Latin language. He was appointed under the emperors Hadrian and Trajan to the secretarial posts of a studiis, a bibliothecis, and ab epistulis of the palace administration, jobs that gave him access to the imperial archives. His Lives of the Emperors De vita Caesarum offers the biographies ...
SUETONIUS. Histoire des douze Césars de Suétone, traduite par Henri Ophellot de la Pause. Avec des Mêlanges philosophiques & des notes. Paris, Chez Saillant & Nyon, Libraires, 1771. 8vo. 4 volumes: CXXI,(1 blank),390,(4); (VIII),522; (IV),528; (VIII),383,(1 blank), 86,(2 blank) p. Half calf. 22 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,984/85; Moss 2,638; Brunet 5,584; Graesse 6/1,525; Ebert 21957; Cioranescu 22813) (Details: Back with 5 raised bands. Title pages in red and black. Latin text with parallel French translation, with notes and 'mélanges philosophique') (Condition: Bindings scuffed. Backs rubbed and slightly damaged at the head and foot of the spine. Shields on the backs partly gone. Boards scratches. Tiny wormhole in the blank lower margin of the first 140 pages of the second volume only) (Note: The Roman historian Suetonius, born c. 69 A.D, is the most influential and best known biographer ...
SULPICIUS SEVERUS. Sulpitii Severi Aquitani Sacrae Historiae a mundi exordio ad sua usq; tempora deductae, libri duo; item Dorothei Episcopi Tyri, qui sub Constantino Magno vixit, De vita Prophetarum & Apostolorum, Synopsis. Quibus accessit rerum & verborum index copiosus. Paris (Parisiis), Apud Gulielmum Guillard & Almaricum Warencore, 1560. Small 8vo. (XXXII),156,(2 blank);(24 index) p. Modern hardbound binding. 13.5 cm 'A universal chronicle which is an important source for the history of 4th-century events' (Ref: USTC 153005; Ebert 22005; Schoenemann 2,378/79) (Details: Back with 4 raised bands, and with a gilt short title in the second 'compartment') (Condition: Old inscriptions on the front flyleaf. Front flyleaf worn, thumbed and dustsoiled. Title also thumbed and dustsoiled, and with an old ownership entry and shelf number) (Note: The Latin historian Sulpicius (or Sulpitius) Severus was born ...
SULPICIUS SEVERUS. Sulpitii Severi Opera omnia quae extant. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Ex officina Elzeviriana 1656. 12mo. 333,(3) p. 19th century calf. 13 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 852876300; Willems 1207; 1526; Rahir 1233; Brunet 5,322; cf. Graesse 6/1,376; Ebert 21999; Schoenemann 2,391) (Details: Nice binding. Back with 4 raised bands. Engraved title, depicting Martinus of Tours on horseback ready to cut his cloak in two for a beggar) (Condition: Binding slightly worn. Bookplate on the front pastedown. Paper slightly yellowing) (Note: The Latin historian Sulpicius (or Sulpitius) Severus was born in Aquitania ca. 360 A.D. He organized under the influence of Bishop Martinus of Tours a sort of monastic life on his own estate for himself and his friends. His extant works are a vita S. Martini Turonensis, 'which is an apology for ascetism'; and this Sacrae Historiae, a kind of universal chronicle to A.D. 402, ...
SULPICIUS SEVERUS. Kerkelyke Historie van Sulpicius Severus. Sedert des Weerelds aanvang, tot het vierhonderdste jaar na Christus geboorte; vervolgd tot den tijd van Keizer Karel den V. Uit het Latijn vertaald, en met uitvoerige aanmerkingen verrijkt door Pieter Rabus. Met privilegie van d'Ed. Gr. Mog. Heeren Staten van Holland en West-vriesland. Rotterdam (Te Rotterdam), By Barent Bos Boekverkooper, 1702. 4to. (XXXIV),560 p., frontispiece, 2 plates. Overlapping vellum 21 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 216756308; OiN 355) (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. Frontispiece by C. Huyberts, depicts Sulpicius in his study writing his 'Sacrae Historiae'. Title in red and black. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting the goddess of wisdom Athena, surrounded by a great number of books; it's appropriate motto: 'Non curta supellex', 'not an ill-furnished mind/library'. The other 2 engraved plates show ...
SYMMACHUS. Q. Aurelii Symmachi V.C.P.V et Cos. Ord. Epistolarum ad diversos libri X. Ex nova recensione Joh. Philippi Parei. Accesserunt etiam Electa Symmachiana, cum indice. (Bound with 2:) Calligraphia Symmachiana: in qua omnes phrases, & formulae elegantiores, quotquot exstant in gravissimo authore Q. Aurelio Symmacho Praef. Urb. In gratiam & usum Philologiae studiosorum, inprimis eorum, qui Principibus ab Epistolis esse cupiunt, per certos titulos locorum communium colliguntur, ac disponuntur, studio & opera Joh. Philippi Parei. (Bound with 3:) Electa Symmachiana: in quibus quicquid rerum memorabilium, antiquitatisque Romanae in gravissimo authore Q. Aurelio Symmacho Praef. Urb. continentur, sub certos titulos reales locorum communium refertur. Studio & opera Joh. Philippi Parei. (Bound with 4:) Lexicon Symmachianum. (...) Ad editionem, quae prodiit ex nova recensione Joh. Philippi Parei. Neustadt (Neapoli Nemetum), Impensis Joh. Caroli ...
TACITUS. C. Cornelii Taciti Opera quae exstant. Ad exemplar quod I. Lipsius quintum recensuit. Seorsum excusi commentarii eiusdem Lipsii meliores plenioresque cum curis secundis, & auctariolo non ante adiecto. Guil. Barclayus praemetia quaedam ex vita Agricolae libavit. Adiecti sunt indices aliquanto ditiores. Paris (Parisiis), Apud Ioannem Gesselin, 1599. 8vo. (XVI),790,(2 blank),(24 index) p. Overlapping vellum 18.5 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,1000; Dibdin 2,450/2; Ebert 22148; Graesse 6/2,8) (Details: This is the first part of a two volume edition of Tacitus; it contains the Latin text of Tacitus only, and lacks the commentary part. Vellum thong laced through joints at the head and tail of the spine; 4 thongs (partly) gone. Short title in ink on the back. Woodcut printer's mark on the title: depicting the winged mythological horse Pegasus (though cloven-hoofed), the motto in an oval reads: 'Sic aetas non retinenda fugit') ...
TACITUS. C. Cornelius Tacitus ex I. Lipsii accuratissima editione. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1634. 12mo. (XX),786,(29 index),(1 blank) p., engraved title, 1 plate with 3 portraits. Overlapping vellum 13 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 833597485; Willems 415: 'l'édition est fort belle et très recherchée'. Berghman 2145; Rahir 403; Copinger 4630; Schweiger 2,1001/1002: 'Sehr niedlicher Abdruck des Textes nach Lipsius'; Moss 2,643; Brunet 5,634; Graesse 6/2 9: 'Édition très jolie'; Ebert 22157) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Nice title engraved by C.C. Duysent, depicting the river god Tiberinus, who sits at the border of the Tiber, and holds in his arms a big jar from which water flows, and a cornucopia; behind him stands a woman who has a mirror in her hand. At the end of the preliminary pages a plate, also engraved by Duysent, showing within an ...
TACITUS. C. Cornelius Tacitus, accurante Matthia Berneggero. Strassburg, (Argentorati), Ediderunt Haeredes Lazari Zezneri, 1638. 8vo. (XVIII,1123,(1 blank)) p. Vellum 17.5 cm (Ref: VD17 23:249104Z; Schweiger 2,1002; Dibdin 2,452; Moss 2,643; Graesse 6/2 9; Fabricius/ Ernesti 2,398) (Details: Fine contemporary vellum. 6 thongs laced through the joints. Engraved title, depicting an altar, left of which stands a Roman emperor, right a German warrior; on the surface of the altar the text 'Aeternitati', for Eternity; just above the altar hangs the globe, upon which stands an eagle with spread wings. This scene seems a combination of two Roman coins. It was perhaps made after the verso side of a coin struck by Constantine the Great in Trier in 321 A.D.; on this coin there is however no eagle; a scene consisting of a globe on which an eagle stands, is to be seen on a denarius of Caracalla, struck after 217 A.D.; this old eagle-and-globe ...
TACITUS. C. Cornelius Tacitus, accurante Matthia Berneggero. Strassburg (Argentorati), Ediderunt Georgius Andreas Dolhopfius & Johannes Eberhardus Zetznerus, 1664. 8vo. (XVIII,1122,(2 blank)) p. Overlapping vellum 17 cm (Ref: VD17 547:695101K; Schweiger 2,1002; Dibdin 2,452; Moss 2,643; Graesse 6/2 9; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,398) (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. Engraved title, depicting an altar, left of which stands a Roman emperor, right a German warrior; on the surface of the altar the text 'Aeternitati', for Eternity; just above the altar hangs the globe, upon which stands an eagle with spread wings. This scene seems a combination of two Roman coins. It was perhaps made after the verso side of a coin struck by Constantine the Great in Trier in 321 A.D.; on this coin there is however no eagle; a scene consisting of a globe on which an eagle stands, is to be seen on a denarius of Caracalla, struck after 217 A.D. This ...
TACITUS. C. Cornelius Tacitus, Jaarboeken en Historien, ook zyn Germanië, en 't leeven van J. Agricola, in 't Hollandsch vertaalt door den Heer Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft. Amsterdam, By Hendrik Boom, en de Weduwe van Dirk Boom, 1684. Folio. (XL),528,(4),11;(72) p., 14 engraved portraits & 8 folding historical plates. Calf 33 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 171376293; Geerebaert 137,5,II; OiN p. 359; Schweiger 2,1028) (Details: Back gilt and with 6 raised bands. Boards with double fillet gilt borders. Title in red & black. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting Ceres and Flora under a palmtree (Boom means tree); the banner at their feet reads: I.V.S. A.W. H.D.B., which means: 'Johannes Van Someren, Abraham Wolfgangk, Hendrik en Dirk Boom'. Woodcut initials. 14 magnificent full-page portraits of Roman emperors engraved by A. Vaillandt, and 8 double-page battle and rural scenes engraved by I. Mulder) (Condition: Binding scuffed and scratched. ...
TACITUS. C. Cornelii Taciti Opera quae exstant, integris Beati Rhenani, Fulvii Ursini, M. Antonii Mureti, Josiae Merceri, Justi Lipsii, Valentis Acidalii, Curtii Pichenae, Jani Gruteri, Hugonis Grotii, Joannis Freinshemii, Joannis Frederici Gronovii, & selectis aliorum commentariis illustrata. Ex recensione & cum notis Jacobi Gronovii. Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Apud Jacobum a Poolsum & Johannem Visch, 1721. 4to. 2 volumes. Frontispiece, (XXXVI),756 (recte 764);578,(158 index) p. Vellum 26 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 198473214; Schweiger 2,1003/04; Dibdin 2,454: 'A very ample and excellent edition; containing the notes and observations of almost all the old and best editors'; Moss 2,644/45; Brunet 5, 635; 398/99; Graesse 6/2, p. 9/10; Ebert 22169; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,398/99) (Details: Backs with 6 raised bands. Short title in ink in the second compartment. Boards with blindstamped double fillet borders, enclosing another ...