
Old and Rare books

Resultaten 101 - 120 van 426

ESTIENNE,H. Apologie pour Hérodote, ou traité de la conformité des merveilles anciennes avec les modernes par Henri Estienne. Nouvelle Édition, faite sur la première, augmentée de tout ce que les posterieures ont de curieux, et de remarques par Mr. Le Duchat, avec une table alphabétique des matieres. The Hague (à La Haye), Chez Henri Scheurleer, 1735. 8vo. 2 volumes in 3: (IV),XXXVI,200,(48 index); (IV), p. 201 - 624; (IV),(IV),434 p., 3 engraved frontispieces. 19th or 20th century calf. 17 cm 'Stephanus plays an important role in the reception of Herodotus' (Ref: STCN ppn 213119420; Hoffmann 2,242/43; Brunet 2,1077; Graesse 2,506; Ebert 6972: 'Unmutilated and enlarged edition with good observations'; Renouard p. 126/28, who calls this 1735 edition 'bien imprimée' and 'la seule complète') (Details: Tasteful binding in antique style: backs ...

€ 950,00

EUCLIDES. De ses eerste boeken der beginselen van Euclides op een korte en klare manier gedemonstreert door Henrick Coets, lector in de Mathesis te Leyden. Met eene voorreden, en eenige aanmerkingen verrykt door Wilhelmus La Bordus. Den derden druck, veel verandert en verbeetert. Leiden (Te Leyden), By Samuel Luchtmans, Ordinaris Stads Drukker, 1740. 8vo. (X),435,(1 blank) p. Half calf 17.5 cm (Ref: Geerebaert 36,9,b; OiN 174) (Details: Back with 4 raised bands. Red morocco shield in the second compartment. Title in red & black. Numerous woodcut geometric illustrations in the text) (Condition: Cover worn. Back rubbed. Small tear in the head of the spine. Two old ownership entries on the title) (Note: Euclides was a Greek mathematician who lived in the 3rd cent. B.C. He wrote the most famous book in the history of mathematics, the 'Elements'. His work was intended for teaching, and follows a deductive approach. ...

€ 475,00

EUNAPIUS. EUNAPIOU TOU SARDIANOU BIOI philosophôn kai sophistôn. Eunapius Sardianus, De vitis philosophorum et sophistarum, Hadriano Iunio Hornano interprete. Graeca cum mss. Palatinis comparata, aucta & emendata Hieronymi Commelini opera. Nunc recens accedunt eiusdem auctoris Legationes, e bibliotheca Andreae Schotti Antverpiani. N.pl. (Geneva), Oliva Pauli Stephani, 1616. 8vo. 169,(1),(5 index),(1 blank) p. 18th century boards. 17 cm (Ref: Hoffmann 2,65; Renouard, Stephani, 497 (erronously dating 1612); Schweiger 1,114; Graesse 2,518; Ebert 7069; Brunet 2,1094) (Details: Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting a man on his knees under an olive tree, he is praying; some branches are broken off and are falling down; from the mouth of the man comes on a banner the motto: 'rami ut ego insererer defracti sunt', 'the branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in'. (Romans 11,19) The text is ...

€ 425,00

EURIPIDES. Euripides poeta, Tragicorum princeps, in Latinum sermonem conversus, adiecto e regione textu Graeco: cum annotationibus et praefationibus in omnes eius Tragoedias, autore Gasparo Stiblino. Accesserunt, Iacobi Micylli, De Euripidis vita, ex diversis autoribus collecta; item De Tragoedia & eius partibus 'prolegomena' quaedam. Item Ioannis Brodaei Turonensis Annotationes doctiss. nunquam antea in lucem editae. Ad haec, rerum & verborum toto opere praecipue memorabilium copiosus index. Cum Caes. Maiest. & Christianiss. Gallorum Regis gratia ac privilegio, ad decennium. Basel (Basileae), Per Ioannem Oporinum, (1562) (Colophon at the end: 'Basileae, Ex officina Ioannis Oporini, Anno salutis humanae 1562, mense Martio') Folio. p. 1-667; col. 668-679, (1 p.), col. 680-845; (23 index) p. Contemporary blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards. 34 cm This Euripides edition is the first to offer a Greek text accompanied by a ...

€ 4500,00

EURIPIDES. EURIPIDOU PHOINISSAI. Euripidis tragoedia Phoenissae. Interpretationem addidit H. Grotii; Graeca castigavit e Mstis, atque adnotationibus instruxit, scholia, partim nunc primum evulgata, subiecit Ludovicus Casp. Valckenaer. Franeker (Franequerae), Typis et sumptibus, Iacobi Brouwer, 1755. 4to. XXIV,831,(19 index) p. Half calf 22.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 151473129; Hoffmann 2,76/77; Schweiger I,119; Brunet 2,1106; Dibdin I,545; Moss 1,424; Graesse 2,523: 'édition excellente'; Ebert 7102) (Details: Back with 5 raised bands, and a brown morocco lettershield; margins uncut. § Greek text with facing Latin translation, commentary in two columns on the lower half of the page; p. 561-815 contain the scholia to the 'Phoenissae', accompanied by Latin commentary; at the end 14 p. 'Prolegomena' to the 'Phoenissae' by Hugo Grotius) (Condition: Back rubbed; head of spine slightly chafed; ...

€ 250,00

EURIPIDES. EURIPIDOU HIPPOLUTOS. Euripidis tragoedia Hippolytus, quam, Latino carmine conversam a Georgio Ratallero, adnotationibus instruxit Ludov. Casp. Valckenaer. (Bound with:) Lud. Casp. Valckenari Diatribe in Euripidis perditorum dramatum reliquias. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Ioann. Luzac & Ioann. Le Mair, 1767 - 1768. 4to. 2 volumes in 1: XXVIII,322,(XVIII);VIII,312 p. Vellum 26 cm (Ref: Hoffmann 2,78; Moss 1,425: 'A very elegant and excellent edition, containing a very correct text'; Dibdin 1,548/49: 'It is a perfect specimen of careful research, acute emendation, and copious illustration'; Brunet 2,1104: 'Édition très recherchée'; Graesse 2,522; Ebert 7107; Spoelder p. 684, Utrecht 4; Ad 1: STCN 238032841; Ad 2: STCN 23803271X; Hoffmann 2,97) (Details: Prize copy Utrecht, without the prize. Back gilt and with 5 raised bands. Boards with gilt borders and the gilt coat of arms of ...

€ 290,00

EURIPIDES. EURIPIDOU PHOINISSAI. Euripidis tragoedia Phoenissae. Interpretationem addidit H. Grotii; graeca castigavit e Mstis, atque adnotationibus instruxit, scholia subiecit Ludovicus Casp. Valckenaer. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Samuelem et Joannem Luchtmans, 1802. 4to. 2 parts in 1 volume: (IV),23,(1 blank),452;196 p. Vellum. 26 cm. Prize copy (Ref: Hoffmann 2,77; Schweiger I,119; Brunet 2,1106; Dibdin I,545; Moss 1,424; Ebert 7102) (Details: Prize copy Utrecht, but without the prize. Back gilt and with 5 raised bands. Boards with gilt borders, and the gilt coat of arms of Utrecht, within a gilt rectangle adorned with corner pieces. § The first part contains the introduction, the Greek text of Euripides' Phoenissae, with critical notes and the parallel Latin translation of Grotius, followed by the commentary of Valckenaer. The second part contains the Scholia to 'veterum grammaticorum in Euripidis Phoenissas. ...

€ 220,00

EURIPIDES. De Fenicische vrouwen. Treurspel, naar Euripides, door P. Camper, Ph. Th. M. & L.H. Doctor. Zutphen, Bij H.C.A. Thieme, 1823. (I),4, XLVIII,140,(4) p. Red morocco. 21 cm (Ref: Geerebaert XXXVII,11; not in OiN) (Details: Back ruled gilt and with a beige shield in the 'second compartment'. Boards with borders consisting of a row of gilt floral motives. Edges of the boards and of the bookblock also gilt. Oval engraving on the title page, designed bij P. Camper and engraved by D. Veelwaard. Marbled endpapers) (Condition: Binding somewhat soiled and worn at the extremes. An extra flyleaf, once bound before the title, has been removed. On this disappeared flyleaf Camper probably wrote a dedication. Faint ink traces of this dedication are still visible on the verso of the flyleaf. (The Royal Library in The Hague has a copy of this title, bound in exact the same binding, but still having Camper's dedication to the ...

€ 110,00

EUSEBIUS. Eusebii Pamphili, Ruffini, Socratis, Theodoreti, Sozomeni, Theodori, Euagrij, & Dorothei Ecclesiastica Historia. Sex prope seculorum res gestas complectens; Latine olim a doctissimis viris partim scripta, partim e Graeco a clarissimis viris, Vuolfgango Musculo, Ioachimo Camerario & Iohanne Christophersono Britanno, eleganter conversa; et nunc ex fide Graecorum codicum, sic ut novum opus videri possit, per Ioan. Iacobum Grynaeum locis obscuris innumeris illustrata, dubijs explicata, mutilis restituta; Chronographia insuper Abrahami Bucholceri, ad Annum Epochae Christianae 1598. & lectionis sacrae historiae luculenta Methodo exornata. Cum continuatione in praesentem annum 1611. Et indicibus rerum verborumque locupletiss. Basel (Basileae), Per Sebastianum Henricpetri, n.d. (1611) Folio. (LXXX),807,(1 blank),(23 index),(1) p. Overlapping vellum 34 cm (Ref: VD17 23:297069D; Hoffmann 2,107) (Details: Latin translation only. ...

€ 675,00

EUSEBIUS. Kerkelyke geschiedenissen, zedert den dood van onzen Zaligmaker tot aan den volkomen bloeistand van 't Kristendom. Waar in van de prediking der Apostelen; de Heilige Schrift des N. Verbonds; de opvolgeren der Apostelen; de uitmuntende mannen in de vornaamste kerken, en hunne schriften; de vervolgingen; martelaren; scheuringen; ketteryen, en andere zaken, de eerste Kristen Kerk betreffende, berigt wordt gegeven: In het Grieksch beschreven door Eusebius Pamfilus, (...). Nu vertaald en met vele aantekeningen opgehelderd door Abraham Arent Vander Meersch; (...). Amsterdam (Te Amsteldam), By F. Houttuyn, 1749. 4to. Frontispiece, (XLVI),584,L,116,(36) p., 2 folding maps. Vellum. 26.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 82986403, STCN does not mention the cancel of leaf 2Y4, p. 359/360, which our copy has; OiN p. 180) (Details: Title printed in red & black. The frontispiece by J.C. Philips depicts an allegorical scene of the battle between False ...

€ 175,00

EUTROPIUS. Eutropii Historiae Romanae Breviarium ab Urbe condita usque ad Valentinianum et Valentem Augustos, notis et emendationibus illustravit Anna Tanaquilli Fabri filia jussu christianissimi regis in usum Serenissimi Delphini. Paris (Parisiis), Apud Viduam Antonii Cellier, 1683. 4to. (XIV),183,(3 blank) p. (recte 181,(3 blank) p.) Calf 24 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,346; Moss 1,436: 'edited by the celebrated Madame Dacier'; Brunet 2,1115; Fabricius/Ernesti 3,136; Graesse 2,529; Ebert 7181; La collection Ad Usum Delphini, 2, 304/12) (Details: Back gilt & with 5 raised bands; brown shield in second compartment. Some woodcut initials, headpieces and cul-de-lampes. Engraved coat of arms of the Dauphin at the beginning of the dedication) (Condition: Binding rubbed & worn at extremities. Corners bumped. The title leaf has been strengthened in the inner margin with a very small strip of paper. A tear in the outer margin has ...

€ 240,00

EUTROPIUS. Eutropii Breviarium Historiae Romanae, cum metaphrasi graeca Paeanii, et notis integris El. Vineti, Henr. Glareani, Tan. & An. Fabri, Chr. Cellarii, Th. Hearnii, Ch. Aug. Heumanni, et Sig. Havercampi, item selectis Frid. Sylburgii. Accedit Rufus Festus, cum notis integris Frid. Sylburgii, Chr. Cellarii, et Sig. Havercampi. Recensuit, suasque adnotationes cum indicibus copiosissimis addidit Henricus Verheyk. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Samuelem et Joannem Luchtmans, 1762. 8vo. LIV,(76),772;(90 index) p. Calf 21 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 238643581; Schweiger 2,348 & 857; Dibdin 2,3/4; Moss 2,437/8; Fabricius/Ernesti 3,137: 'sine dubio optima editio'; Graesse 2,529; Ebert 7187) (Details: Mottled calf. Gilt back with 5 raised bands. Red morocco shield in the second compartment) (Condition: Binding somewhat worn & scratched. Head & tail of the spine chafed. Corners slightly bumped. A nice copy) (Note: ...

€ 280,00

EWALD,J.L. Godsdienstig Handboek voor Christen-vrouwen en dochters, door Joan Lodewijk Ewald. Uit het Hoogduitsch. Amsterdam, Bij Johannes van der Hey, 1809. 8vo. XII,471,(1) p. Half calf 23 cm. (Details: Nice copy. Back ruled gilt. Red gilt shield in the 'second compartment'. Marbled boards. Engraving of a devotional scene on the title, engraved by J.E. Marcus, it depicts 2 women in a wreath of clouds; one of them points with her right finger to heaven; on her girdle in Greek the first 3 letters 'THEO', the rest of the text disappears in her dress. She is probably the personification of THEOLOGIA. To complete it as THEOTOKOS, an epithet of Maria, is of course impossible in a book on female protestant virtue. Next to this woman stands a young woman who has veiled her hair and humbly looks downward) (Condition: Endpapers somewhat foxed. Edges slightly foxed. Ownership inscription on the front flyleaf) (Note: The German protestant ...

€ 100,00

FABER SORANUS, BASILIUS. Basilii Fabri Sorani Thesaurus eruditionis scholasticae, omnium usui et disciplinis omnibus accommodatus post celeberrimorum virorum Buchneri, Cellarii, Graevii operas et adnotationes et multiplices A. Stübelii et Io. Mat. Gesneri curas iterum recensitus, emendatus, locupletatus. Frankfurt , Leipzig (Francofurti, Lipsiae), In taberna libraria Ioh. Frid. Gleditsch, 1749. Folio. 2 parts in 1: (X) p.; 1792;1308 columns; (198 index) p. Vellum 39.5 cm (Ref: Brunet 2,2/1146; Ebert 7243: the best edition; Graesse 2,540; Spoelder p. 618/19: Kampen 2) (Details: Back ruled gilt. Red morocco shield in the 'second compartment'. Board with gilt borders, and the gilt coat of arms of Kampen. Woodcut of Pegasus on the title. Printed in 2 columns. At the one finds a 198 p. 'Index germanico-latinus rerum, vocabulorum, phrasium, descriptionum & locutionum proverbialium') (Condition: Vellum slightly ...

€ 450,00

FABRICIUS,J.A. Jo. Alberti Fabricii, SS. Theol. D. & Prof. Publ., Bibliographia Antiquaria, sive introductio in notitiam scriptorum, qui antiquitates Hebraicas, Graecas, Romanas et Christianas scriptis illustraverunt. Editio secunda, auctior, & indice duplici rerum scriptorumque locupleta. Hamburg, Leipzig (Hamburgi et Lipsiae), Impensis Christiani Liebezeit, 1716. 4to. (XIV),664,(64 index) p., 1 engraved plate. Vellum 21.5 cm (Ref: VD18 15351424; Brunet 2,1154; cf. Ebert 7274; C. Bursian, 'Geschichte der classischen Philologie', Munchen/Leipzig 1883, vol. 1, p. 360/61: 'eine Sammlung von Büchertiteln und sonstigen Notizen über hebrärische, griechische, römische und christliche Alterthümer') (Details: 6 thongs laced through both joints. Title printed in red and black. Good quality paper. The edges are dyed red. This book contains a plate, engraved by 'Kraus'. This must be the German engraver ...

€ 400,00

FESTUS & M. VERRIUS FLACCUS. M. Verrii Flacci quae extant et Sex. Pompei Festi de Verborum significatione libri XX. Cum vetusto Bibliothecae Farnesianae exemplari Romae nuper edito, collati; ex quo lacunae pene omnes sunt suppletae. In eos libros Ant. Augustini annotationes, ex editione Veneta, J. Scaligeri castigationes recognitae, ex Parisiensi, F. Ursini notae, ex Romana. Accesserunt nunc denique doctissimorum virorum notae ex eorum scriptis hinc inde collectae. (Bound with:) Q. Asconii Pediani Patavini Commentationes in aliquot orationes M. Tullii Ciceronis. (...) Francisci Hotomani studio & diligentia post omnes omnium editiones quam emendatissimae. (...) Eiusdem Hotomani expositiones suae in Asconium operae & diligentiae. Ad 1: (Genève), Apud Petrum Santandreanum, 1593. Ad 2: Lyon (Lugduni), Apud Joan. Tornaesium & Gul. Gazeium, 1551. 8vo. 2 volumes in 1: Ad 1: (XVI),CCCIX,(1 blank),(23 index),(1); LXXV,(1 blank),(10),CCXVI,(22 ...

€ 800,00

FESTUS & M. VERRIUS FLACCUS. Sexti Pompei Festi De verborum significatione fragmentum. Ex vetustissimo exemplari Bibliothecae Farnesianae descriptum. Schedae quae Festi fragmento detractae apud Pomponium Laetum extabant. Ex bibliotheca Fulvi Ursini. Notae in Sex. Pompei Festi fragmentum, schedas & epitomam. (Genève), apud Petrum Santandreanum, 1583. 8vo. (1),196,(18),62 p. Vellum 17 cm (Ref: 1 GLN 3005; Schweiger 2,354, Smitskamp 60) (Details: Six thongs laced through the joints. Veritas printer's device on the title: a woman, the naked truth, seated on a cubus, holding a radiant sun in her right hand; in her left hand she holds an opened book and a palm leaf; her feet rest on the globe; the garland of fruit which surrounds her shows a ribbon with the text in Greek: 'Alêtheia Pandamatôr', i.e. 'Allmighty Truth'). (Condition: Vellum partly soiled. Right margin of title slightly thumbed; title slightly browning) (Note: ...

€ 500,00

FESTUS & M. VERRIUS FLACCUS. M. Verrii Flacci quae extant. Et Sex. Pompei Festi De verborum significatione libri XX. Cum vetusto Bibliothecae Farnesianae exemplari Romae nuper edito, collati; ex quo lacunae pene omnes sunt suppletae. In eos libros Ant. Augustini annotationes, ex editione Veneta, Io. Scaligeri castigationes recognitae, ex Parisiensi, Ful. Ursini notae, ex Romana. Accesserunt nunc denique doctissimorum virorum notae ex eorum scriptis hinc inde collectae. Paris (Parisiis), Apud Arnoldum Sittart, 1584. 8vo (XXVIII),CCCIX,(1 blank),(22 index),(2 blank); LXXV,(1 blank),(10),CCXVI,(24 index),84 p. Limp vellum 17 cm (Ref: Smitskamp 61; Schweiger 2,355 & 1134; Brunet 5,2 1148; Renouard-1926, n° 1044 (Renouard et alii, 'Imprimeurs et libraires parisiens du XVIe siècle', Paris, 1964)) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Engraved printer's mark of Arnoldus Sittart on the title, his motto: 'Finis coronat ...

€ 600,00

FESTUS & M. VERRIUS FLACCUS. Sex. Pompeii Festi et Mar. Verrii Flacci De verborum significatione lib. XX. Notis et emendationibus illustravit Andreas Dacerius in usum Delphini. Accedunt in hac nova editione notae integrae Josephi Scaligeri, Fulvii Ursini, & Antonii Augustini, cum fragmentis & schedis, atque indice novo. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Sumptibus Huguetanorum, 1700. 4to. (32 including frontispiece),596,(4),96,(24 index) p. Vellum 25 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 844243612; Schweiger 2,355; Brunet 4,798; Graesse 2,574; Ebert 7501; Spoelder p. 491: Amsterdam 10) (Details: Prize copy, without the prize. Back gilt, and with 5 raised bands. On both boards the gilt coat of arms of Amsterdam within 2 gilt borders, which consist of a repetition of floral motifs and the city's coat of arms. Frontispiece, showing the jump of Arion from his ship while playing the lyre, and being watched by the dolphin that would save him; between Arion and the ...

€ 275,00

FLODER,J. Johannis Floderi, in Athenaeo Upsaliensi olim Graecar. Litterar. Professoris et Reg. Acad. Litt. Hum. Stockh. membri, Opuscula oratoria et poëtica. Uppsala (Upsaliae), Typis viduae directoris Joh. Edman, 1791. (VIII),419,(12),(1 blank) p. Contemporary wrappers 21 cm (Note: The historian of classical philology John Edwin Sandys did not think much of Swedish philology up to 1800. Not a few of the Swedish scholars 'were in the habit of writing Greek compositions, either in prose or in elegiac or in hexameter verse, but they very rarely produced any editions of Greek authors, and such authors as they happened to edit were seldom of special importance'. They only deserve credit for continuing to tend and cultivate 'in that northern clime the exotic plant of Greek learning'. (Sandys 3,348) One of the few scholars Sandys mentions is Johannes Floderus, 1721-1789, 'who was also an able Latin orator, who took a prominent ...

€ 125,00