
Old and Rare books

Resultaten 81 - 100 van 426

CURTIUS RUFUS. Q. Curtii Rufi Historia Alexandri Magni. Cum notis selectiss. Variorum, Raderi, Freinshemii, Loccenii, Blancardi, &c. Editio accuratissima, accurante C.S.M.D. (And:) J. Freinshemii Supplementorum in Q. Curtium liber I (& II). Amsterdam, Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1673. 8vo. 2 parts in 1: 751,(1); 93,(48),(1 blank) p., engraved title, 1 plate, 1 map. Overlapping vellum 19 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 095875646; Willems 1482; Berghman 2055; Rahir 1590; Schweiger 2,321; Moss 548; Dibdin 375: 'the edition of 1673 is the most correct and beautiful'; Graesse 2,311) (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. Engraved title, depicting a world conquering Alexander on horseback, trampling his enemy Darius; he is accompanied by a flying Fama, who blows her horn. A plate depicts the 'fons solis', a fountain in the Egyptian oasis of the temple of Ammon, cool at midday and warm at the rising and setting of the sun. Alexander ...

€ 325,00

CURTIUS RUFUS. Quinti Curtii Rufi De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni, regis Macedonum, libri superstites. Cum omnibus supplementis, variantibus lectionibus, commentariis ac notis perpetuis, Fr. Modii, V. Acidalii, T. Popmae, Joh. Freinshemii, Joh. Schefferi, Christoph. Cellarii, Nic. Heinsii. Selectis & excerptis Ph. Rubenii, J. Rutgersii, C. Barthii, Joh. Loccenii, M. Raderi, Cl. Salmasii, J.F. Gronovii, M. Tellierii, Christoph. Aug. Heumanni, itemque Jac. Perizonii vindiciis, & aliorum observationibus, auctioribusque indicibus curavit & digessit Henricus Snakenburg. Delft, Leiden (Delphis & Lugd. Bat.), Apud Adrianum Beman, Samuelem Luchtmans, 1724. 4to. (XXXVII),824,222,1 p. Frontispiece, folding map & 17 engraved plates. Vellum 25 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 141302143; Schweiger 2,323; Brunet 2,450: 'édition très estimée'; Moss 2,549: 'This is undoubtedly a very excellent and copious edition'; Ernesti 2,352/3; Dibdin ...

€ 425,00

CYPRIANUS. D. Caecilii Cypriani Episcopi Carthaginiensis et martyris opera. Lyon (Lugduni), Apud Seb. Gryphium, 1550. 8vo. 466 (recte 456),(13 index),(1),(2 blank); 456,(6 index),(1 blank),(1 printer's mark) p. Half calf over wooden boards 18 cm (Ref: USTC 123042; Schoenemann 1,117 & 119, mentions editions of Sebastianus Gryphius of 1528 and 1544; Graesse 2,316 mentions a Gryphius' edition of 1544; a quick search in KVK yields other Gryphius editions of 1535 and 1537; Baudrier 8,239) (Details: Back with 4 raised bands. Red morocco shield on the back. Gryphius' woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting a griffin, which mythological animal symbolizes courage, diligence, watchfulness, and rapidity of execution, used as a pun of his family name Gryph or Greif. From the claws of this creature hangs a big rectangular stone, beneath which is a winged orb. The motto is 'Virtute duce / comite fortuna', 'Virtue ...

€ 650,00

CYRILLUS HIEROSOLYMITANUS. Tou en hagiois Patros hêmôn Kyrillou hierosolumôn Archiepiskopou Ta heuriskomena panta. S. Cyrilli Archiepiscopi Hierosolymitani Opera quae exstant omnia, et ejus nomine circumferuntur, ad Manuscriptos codices nec-non ad superiores editiones castigata, dissertationibus & notis illustrata, cum nova interpretatione & copiosis indicibus. Cura & studio Domni Antonii-Augustini Touttée, Presbyteri & Monachi Benedictini e Congregatione S. Mauri. Paris (Parisiis), Typis Jacobi Vincent, 1720. Folio. (XVIII) p., CCL columns, p. CCLI-CCLXVIII; 416 p., columns 417-426, p. 426-472; (2),(2 blank) p. Calf 41.5 cm. 'A fundamental edition of one of the most precious treasures of Christian antiquity' (Ref: Brunet 2,462/63; Hoffmann 1,495; Graesse 2,317; Ebert 5602. Quasten 3, p. 366) (Details: Back with 6 raised bands, and a black gilt shield in the second compartment. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, ...

€ 750,00

DAMM,Ch.T. Inleiding in de fabelkunde der oude Grieken en Romeinen, door Christiaan Tobias Damm, rector van het Koninglyk Gymnasium te Berlin. Naar den vyfden druk uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald. Leiden (Leyden), By W.H. Gryp, 1786. 8vo. (II),VIII,348,(XX) p. Half calf 16 cm (Details: Back ruled gilt. Marbled endpapers) (Condition: Binding scuffed, back rubbed, corners bumped. Stamp on front flyleaf, 3 stamps on the title) (Note: Christian Tobias Damm, 1699-1778, 'Rector am köllnischen Gymnasium zu Berlin', 'im grauen Kloster' in the 'Klosterstrasse' was a solid classicist, and one of the first German scholars who stressed the excellence of Greek literature and its language compared to Roman literature and language. He also stressed the necessity of imitating the Greek examples for the improvement of national education. He wanted to make the masterpieces of Greek poetry accessable for a general public with ...

€ 100,00

DECLARATIO ORDINUM HOLLANDIAE WEST-FRISIAEQUE, Declaratio Ordinum Hollandiae West-Frisiaeque, ex ipsis fundamentis Regiminis Belgici desumpta, qua jus & potestas singularum Provinciarum cum externis Princibus contrahendi, & de quibuscunq: negotiis constituendi proponitur, nisi quid foedere unionis An. 1579 Ultrajecti composito, aut speciatim Foederatorum Procerum conventui delatum fuerit. Qua legitima & justa esse ostenditur concessio instrumenti seclusionis Principis Auriaci, sicut a Nobil. & Potentibus Ordin. Hollandiae West-Frisiaeque anno 1654, IV Maii decretum fuit; (...) Versum Exemplar ex Belgico, quod impressum est Hagae-comitis a Typographo Nob. & Potent. Ord. Hollandiae West-Frisiaeque, cum privilegio. Leiden, Amsterdam, (Lugduni Batavorum, Amstelrodami), Apud Joannem Maire, et (...) apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1654. 4to. 196 (recte 192) p. 18th century boards. 19 cm (Ref: Willems 1172; Berghman 302; Not in Rahir; ...

€ 200,00

DEMOSTHENES & AESCHINES. Demosthenis et Aeschinis Mutuae accusationes de ementita Legatione, et de Corona, ac contra Timarchum quinque numero, cum earum argumentis, ipsorum oratorum vita, et Aeschinis Epistola ad Athenienses, ac indice copioso. Nuper a bene docto viro traductae. Dictorum series versa pagina conintetur. Cum Privilegio Veneto. Venice (Venetiis), Apud Hieronymum Scotum, 1545. 223,(1 blank) leaves. Limp overlapping vellum. 16 cm (Ref: Edit16 CNCE 16736; Hoffmann 1,528) (Details: Latin translation only. 5 thongs laced through the joints. Woodcut printer's mark on the title and the verso of the last leaf blank, depicting a branch of olive and a palm tree, graft onto trunk, with between them an anchor; anchor and trunk are held together bij the initials SOS (Signum Octaviani Scoti); a banner runs around with the motto: 'In tenebris fulget'. Printed in italis, except for the title. Some historiated and ornamental ...

€ 1600,00

DESRIVIERES, DIT BOURGUIGNON,F. Loisirs d'un Soldat du Régiment des Gardes Françoises. Seconde édition, revue, corrigée & augmentée. (Broché, 1 liv., 10 sous) (And:) Réponse de l'auteur à différentes critiques dont on a honoré Ses Loisirs. (Bound with:) Réponse des Soldats du Régiment des Gardes Françoises, aux Loisirs d'un Soldat du même Régiment.nd ad 1: A Amsterdam, & se trouve à Paris, Chez Saillant, Libraire, rue Saint-Jean-de Beauvais, 1767; ad 2: N.pl., 1767. 8vo. 2 volumes, consisting of 3 parts, bound in 1 volume: (1),174;48 p. Contemporary wrappers. 18 cm (Ref: Cf. Cioranescu 23764 & 23765) (Details: Uncut edges. Woodcut ornament on both titles. Some woodcut headpieces) (Condition: Marbled cover scuffed. Paper on the back partly gone. Somewhat dog-eared) (Note: The most important ...

€ 290,00

DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Diogenis Laertii De vita et moribus philosophorum libri X. Recens ad exemplar Graecum collati, ex eiusque fide cura doctissimorum virorum restituti & emendati. Cum indice nominum ac rerum locupletissimo. Paris, (Parisiis), Apud Hieronymum de Marnef, sub Pelicano, Monte D. Hilarii, 1560. 12mo. 596,(28 index),(2 epilogue 'Candido Lectori'),(1 woodcut illustration),(1 woodcut printer's mark of De Marnef) p. Later vellum 13 cm - The greatest known source of information about the philosophers of antiquity (Ref: Hoffmann 1,569; Graesse 2,397, erroneously dating 1561) (Details: 2 thongs laced through the joints. Woodcut printer's mark of De Marnef on the title (BaTyR no. 28133), depicting a pelican on his nest, feeding his young with his own blood; the motto is: 'In me mors, in me vita'. On the last page another version of De Marnef's printer's mark (BaTyR no. 2882), now depicting a ...

€ 550,00

DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Diogenis Laertii De vitis, dogmatibus et apophthegmatibus clarorum philosophorum libri decem, graece et latine. Leipzig (Lipsiae), Impensis Ioannis Pauli Krausii, Bibliop. Viennens., 1759. (Colophon at the end: 'Lipsiae, Ex officina I.G.I. Breitkopfii') 8vo. (XIV),756 (recte 736),(94 index) p. Contemporary calf. 19.5 cm The greatest known source of information about the philosophers of antiquity (Ref: VD18 10213392-008; Hoffmann 1,566; Dibdin 1,504; Moss 1,400/01; Brunet 2,720; Graesse 2,396; Ebert 6177) (Details: Printed in 2 colums, Greek text with facing Latin translation) (Condition: Binding scuffed & chafed, especially at the extremes. Back & boards rubbed. Paper foxing, yellowing and occasionally browning. Right upper corner of the last 80 p. is slightly waterstained. Some small and old ink annotations and underlinings) (Note: The 'Lives and Doctrines of the ...

€ 220,00

DIONYSIUS ALEXANDRINUS & POMPONIUS MELA. Dionysii Alex. et Pomp. Melae Situs orbis descriptio. Aethici Cosmographia. C.I. Soloni Polyistor. In Dionysii poematium commentarii Eustathii; interpretatio eiusdem poematii ad verbum, ab Henr. Stephano scripta; necnon annotationes eius in idem, & quorundam aliorum. In Melam annotationes Ioannis Olivarii; in Aethicum scholia Iosiae Simleri; in Solinum emendationes Martini Antonii Delrio. N.pl., (Geneva), Excudebat Henricus Stephanus, 1577. 4to. 3 parts in 1: (VIII),158 (recte 160),(24),47,(1 blank); 152 p. Limp vellum 25 cm (Ref: GLN-2627; Hoffmann 1,592, Schweiger 2,690; Renouard p. 145 & 410; Ebert 6199; Graesse 2,401; Brunet 2,729) (Details: Printer's Olive tree device of the Stephanus family on the title, motto: 'Noli altum sapere', short for 'Noli altum sapere, sed time', in Greek 'mê hupsêlophronei, alla phobou', or in English 'Donot be ...

€ 900,00

DIONYSIUS HALICARNASSENSIS. Dionysii Halicarnassei Antiquitatum, sive Originum Romanarum libri decem, Sigismundo Gelenio interprete. Adiecimus Undecimum ex versione Lapi: ac indicem rerum notatu dignarum locupletissimum. Lyon (Lugduni), Apud Antonium Vincentium, 1561. (Colophon at the end: 'Lugduni excudebat Symphorianus Barbierus) 16mo. 854,66 p. Calf 12.5 cm (Ref: Hoffmann 1,586; Graesse 2,400) (Details: Back gilt, and with 4 raised bands, red morocco shield in the second compartment. Endpapers marbled. Edges of the bookblock dyed red. Latin translation only.) (Condition: Binding somewhat scuffed, corners bumped. Waterstain on the title. Paper slightly yellowing) (Note: The 'Antiquitates Romanae' of the Greek rhetor and historian Dionysius Halicarnassensis, who came to Rome ca. 30 B.C. to teach rhetoric, and who spent there at least 22 years or longer, are little known and little read nowadays. His work on ...

€ 600,00

ENCYCLOPÉDIE OU DICTIONNAIRE UNIVERSEL RAISONNÉ. Tapis de Turquie. Contenant planches simples 4. Yverdon, 1780. 6 pages, 3 plates. Modern plain wrappers. 25 cm (Lacking the 4th plate) (From: 'Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire universel raisonné des connoissances humaines', Planches Tome X)
Book number: 154600 Euro 30.00

Keywords: (Oude Druk), (Rare Books), Turkey

€ 30,00

EPICTETUS. EPIKTÊTOY Egcheiridion, KEBÊTOS thêbaiou Pinaks; kai THEOPHRASTOY Êthikoi Charaktêres. Epicteti Enchiridion, Cebetis Thebani Tabula; et Theophrasti Characteres Ethici. Cum versione latina. Denuo recognita & notis illustrata. Oxford (Oxonii), E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1670. 8vo. (XV)(1),143(1);95(1),8 p. Calf 15.5 cm (Ref: Oldfather 175, see also 114; Ebert 6771; not in Hoffmann; only 2 copies in the British Libraries; cf. Brunet 2,1012, who mentions an edition of 1707) (Details: Back ruled gilt, and with 4 raised bands. Black morocco shield in second compartment. Boards ruled with double fillet borders. Greek text with facing Latin translation) (Condition: Cover scuffed and worn at the extremes. Head of the spine gone for 1 cm. Front joint beginning to split. Corners bumped) (Note: This book is the first publication for the market, i.e. 'real book', printed in the famous ...

€ 950,00

EPICTETUS. Epicteti Manuale et Sententiae. Quibus accedunt Tabula Cebetis, & alia affinis argumenti, in linguam Latinam conversa a Marco Meibomio. Subjiciuntur eiusdem notae, emendationes Claudii Salmasii in Epictetum, notae illorum & alius viri docti in Dissertationes Epicteti ab Arriano digestas, & varians scriptura codicum manu exaratorum, cura Hadriani Relandi. Utrecht (Trajecti Batavorum), Ex officina Gulielmi Broedelet, bibliopolae, 1711. 4to. 3 parts in 1: (XX),151,(1);124; 152,(59 index),(1 blank) p. Calf. 21 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 185671004; Oldfather no. 287; Hoffmann 2,15; Didbin 2,515/6: 'The edition is a valuable and critical one'; Ebert 6775; Brunet 2,1012/13; Graesse 2,484; P.A. Hansen, 'A bibliography of Danish contributions to classical scholarship from the 16th century to 1970', Copenhagen 1977, no. 363) (Details: Back gilt and with 5 raised bands. Title printed in red and black. Woodcut ...

€ 390,00

EPICTETUS. Epicteti Enchiridium una cum Cebetis Thebani tabula, Graec. & Lat. Cum notis Wolfii, Casauboni, Caselii & aliorum; quibus accedit Graeca Enchiridii paraphrasis, lacunis omnibus, codicis Medicei ope a Jacobo Gronovio repletis. Recensuit & a plurimis mendis, quae in priores editiones irrepserant, repurgavit, ac notis quibusdam & animadversionibus illustravit Joannes Casparus Schröderus. Delft (Delphis), Apud Adrianum Beman, 1723. 8vo. (LXIV),288 p., frontispiece, folding plate. Vellum 20.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 140819754; Oldfather no. 232, but see also Oldfather Supplement no. 233; Hoffmann 2,15; Dibdin 1,515: on the 2nd edition of 1683: 'is reputed the best of the octavo Variorums'; Ebert 6777; Brunet 2,1013) (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. Engraved frontispiece depicting the philosopher Epictetus, behind him a host of (allegoric) female followers. One holds a lamp, another a pair of scales. In his left hand Epictetus holds a scroll ...

€ 300,00

ERASMUS. Des. Erasmi Roterod. Colloquia, nunc emendatiora. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1662. 12mo. (XX),672 p. Overlapping vellum. 14 cm (Ref: Willems 1285: 'Réimpression ligne pour ligne de l'édition donnée par les Elzevier en 1655'; Berghman 1350; Rahir 1324; Brunet 2,1040) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Title engraved by Corn. Cl. Duysend, it depicts a standing Erasmus, who looks through a telescope into a clouded sky; from a cloud comes the hand of God, that bears the 'globus cruciger' (corss-bearing orb, in German Reichsapfel); the globe represents the earth, and he who holds the globe, owns the world. The motto on the title suits Erasmus: 'Vidit, pervidit, risit'. This engraved title was already used by Elsevier for the edition of the Colloquia of 1636. On the last of the preliminary pages a woodcut illustration, depicting both sides of a medal of ...

€ 320,00

ERASMUS. Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami Liber utilissimus de conscribendis epistolis, continens artificium & praecepta in earum compositione observanda. Editio nova, diligenter ab erratis expurgata. Amsterdam, Apud Henricum & Theodorum Boom, 1670. 12mo. 470,(33),(1 blank) p., frontispiece. Calf 13 cm The definitive work on the subject (Ref: Spoelder p. 644: Middelburg 5;) (Details: Prize copy, but without the prize. Back ruled gilt, with a red morocco letterpiece. The boards have gilt borders. In the center of both boards the gilt coat of arms of Middelburg. The frontispiece depicts Erasmus in his study, writing a letter. On the title a woodcut printer's mark, depicting Hercules, club at hand, and the Nemean lion under a tree, the motto reads: 'Virtus nescia vinci', 'Virtue doesnot know defeat') (Condition: Some wear to the extremes. Front flyleaf removed. The blank upper margin of the frontispiece ...

€ 375,00

ERASMUS. MÔRIAS EGKÔMION. Id est Stultitiae laus. Erasmi Roterodami declamatio. Ad fidem editionis antiquae Frobenii figuris Holbenianis ornata. Cum duabus Erasmi epistolis ad Martinum Dorpium et ad Thomam Morum. Accessit dialogus Epicureus. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud D. Noothoven van Goor, 1851. XL,233 p.; illustrations in the text, 2 portraits. Half calf. 24 cm (Details: Rebound in antique style. Back with 5 raised bands. Portrait of Erasmus lithographed by H.J. Backer after H. Holbein bound before the title, and a lithographed portrait of Hans Holbein at the end of the preliminary pages) (Note: This edition of 1851 is a reissue of an edition which was published earlier in the Dutch town of Hoorn in 1839. The sale of that edition apparantly fell short of expectation. The remainder was sold and was republished in Leiden in 1851. Only the title was renewed. The edition was produced by the Dutch schoolmaster Cornelis Alard ...

€ 80,00

ERIZZO,S. Discorso di M. Sebastiano Erizzo sopra le Medaglie degli Antichi. Con la dichiaratione delle Monete Consulari & delle Medaglie de gli Imperadori Romani. Nel'a qual si contiene una piena & varia cognitione del'Istoria di quei tempi. Di nuovo in questa quarta editione dall'istesto authore revisto, & ampliato. Venice (In Vinegia), Appresso Gio. Varisco & Paganino Paganini, n.d. (ca. 1584). 8vo. 4to. 2 parts in 1: (XVI),572;282 p., numerous woodcut illustrations. Modern 20th century vellum. 22 cm (Ref: Edit16 CNCE 18279: 'non prima del 1584'; Graesse 2,498; Ebert 6901; Brunet 2,1047) (Details: Modern vellum in antique style. Back with 3 raised bands. Boards panelled. Title within woodcut symmetric architectural borders. The printer's mark is a crowned double-tailed Sirene (Sirena bicaudata), who holds the end of her tails in her hand. (This creature from medieval mythology was chosen in 1971 as ...

€ 800,00