
Old and Rare books

Resultaten 141 - 160 van 426

GRAEVIUS,J.G. Johannis Georgii Graevii orationes quas Ultrajecti habuit. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Johannem du Vivie, 1717. (XXVIII),607,(1 errata) p. Vellum 19.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 226765288) (Details: 6 thongs laced through both joints. Title in red and black, and with a woodcut printer's mark, depicting a sun-baked landscape, in the sky the motto: 'Ab Uno Vita'. Contains 18 speeches, including at the end Petrus Burmannus' funeral speech for Graevius, held on February 18th 1703) (Condition: Vellum slightly soiled, some wear to the extremes. Stamp on the verso of the title) (Note: Johann Georg Graeve, or in Latin Johannes Georgius Graevius, 1632-1703, was born in Germany, and educated at Schulpforta. He was professor of Eloquence at Duisburg, from 1657 at Deventer and from 1661 at Utrecht, 'where he lived and worked for the last 40 years of his life'. He limited his attention mainly to writers of ...

€ 250,00

GREGORIUS CORINTHIUS. Gregorii Corinthii et aliorum grammaticorum libri De dialectis linguae graecae. Quibus additur nunc primum editus Manuelis Moschopuli libellus De vocum passionibus. Recensuit et cum notis Gisb. Koenii, Fr. Iac. Bastii, Io. Franc. Boissonadi suisque edidit Godofr. Henr. Schaefer. Accedit Fr. Iac. Bastii commentatio palaeographica cum tabellis aeneis VII. Leipzig (Lipsiae), Sumtibus Io. Aug. Gottl. Weigel, 1811. 8vo. LIV,(4),1072 p. Half calf. 21 cm Still a standard edition (Ref: Hoffmann 2,172; Graesse 3,146; Ebert 8866; Brunet 2,1723: 'excellente édition qui a effacé la précédente') (Details: Lacking the 7 plates. Back ruled gilt and with a gilt black letterpiece. Edges dyed red. Excellent paper) (Condition: Binding scuffed, head of the spine slightly damaged. Small library stamp on the verso of the title, even smaller 'dyplum' (double) stamp on the last page) (Note: ...

€ 175,00

GROEN VAN PRINSTERER,G. Platonica prosopographia, sive expositio judicii, quod Plato tulit de iis, qui in scriptis ipsius aut loquentes inducuntur, aut quavis de causa commemorantur. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud H.W. Hazenberg juniorem, 1823. 8vo. XV,(1),238,(8 theses) p. Contemporary boards 22 cm (Dissertation, University Leiden) (The Dutch politician and historian Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer, 1801-1876, was a devout Christian, lifelong member of the Dutch Reformed Church, the state church of the Netherlands. He lead the evangelical renewal movement thriving at the time (the European Continental counterpart to the Second Great Awakening), known in the Netherlands as the 'Reveil'. Groen ardently opposed the liberal politician Thorbecke, whose principles he denounced as ungodly and revolutionary, i.e. inspired by the French Revolution. Groen played, as a political writer and a member of the Second Chamber of Parliament, a prominent role in ...

€ 90,00

GRONOVIUS,J.F. Iohannis Frederici Gronovii Observationum libri III, ad Wilhelmum A.F.P.N.W.P. Vandermaerium I.C. (Bound with:) Censorinus, De die natali. Henric. Lindenbrogius recensuit, et notis iterata hac editione passim adauctis, illustravit. (And bound with:) Iohannis Frederici Gronovii De Sestertiis commentarius. Ad 1: Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Isaacum Commelinum (typis W. Christiani), 1639. Ad 2: Leiden (Ludgduni Batavorum), Ex officina Ioannis Maire, 1642. Ad 3: Deventer (Daventriae), Typis Conradi Thomaei Typogr., 1643 8vo. 3 volumes in 1: (XXIV),279,(21 index); (XVI),250,(38 index); (XVI),135,(5 blank) p., (folding table with an astrological diagram in the Censorinus) Overlapping vellum 16 cm Gronovius' Observationes marked a considerable advance in the study of Latin prose (Ref: Ad 1: cf. Graesse 3,161. Ad 2: Breugelmans 1642,3, p. 490; Schweiger 2,101; cf. Graesse 2,101; Ebert 3909. Ad 3: cf. Brunet 29063; cf. Ebert ...

€ 1000,00

GUARINI, BATTISTA. Il Pastor Fido, del Signor Batista Guarini. Orleans, Nella stamperia di C.A.I. Jacob, primogenito, nella strada di Burgogna. E si vende alla continuazione della raccolta di Cazin, 1785. 12mo. (IV),IV,259,(3 blank) p. Calf. 12.5x8 cm (Back gilt. Boards with gilt triple fillets. Marbled endpapers. All 3 edges of the book block gilt. Condition: Binding scuffed, corners bumped, boards somewhat scratched. Piece at the foot of the spine gone. Frontispiece removed. Front hinge cracking, Front end papers with a tear in the gutter. Small inscription dated 1806 on the verso of the front flyleaf. Paper yellowing)
Book number: 160290 Euro 36.00

Keywords: Italian literature, Italienische Literatur

€ 36,00

HALL,M.C. VAN. C.C. Plinius Secundus. Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1809. (II),VIII,203,(3 errata) p. Half calf 22 cm 'Historical novel' (Details: Back ruled gilt, gilt letterpiece in the 'second compartment'. Boards marbled. Title page engraved by R. Vinkeles, on it we see a bearded Greek sitting on a kind of (anachronistic) Vienna-Thonet chair; he points at an almost completed statue; a sculptor, hammer in hand, stands beside him. The goddesses Athena and Artemis are looking on; this scene probably refers to a discussion in this novel about the art of sculpture and the use and abuse of statues. (p. 42/53); 7 text illustrations, also by Vinkeles) (Condition: Binding slightly worn at the extremes) (Note: Mr. Maurits Cornelis van Hall, 1768-1858, was a Dutch jurist, and member of the anti-royalist patriotic society 'Concordia et Libertate'. He was a friend of the authors Wolff and Deken, Helmers, Bilderdijk and ...

€ 65,00

HANNOT,S. & D. VAN HOOGSTRAATEN. Nieuw woordboek der Nederlantsche en Latynsche tale. Waar in de woorden en spreekwyzen der eerste tale, naar hunne verscheide beteekenissen en kracht, door de laatste naeukeurig verklaart en opgeheldert worden. Alles getrokken uit het gebruik, en de beste schryveren door S. Hannot. Vervolgens overzien, van veele misstellingen en andere vlekken gezuivert, ook met veele woorden en spreekwyzen merkelyk vermeerdert en verrykt door D. van Hoogstraten. De derde druk. Dordrecht, Joannes van Braam, Utrecht, Jakob van Poolsum, Amsterdam, Adriaan Wor en d'erve G. onder de Linden, 1736. 4to. (XVI),1016 p. Half vellum. 27 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 186876386) (Details: Margins uncut. Title page in red and black. Engraved printer's mark on the title, depicting a scholar in the shadow of a tree, the motto reads 'Tiliae sub tegmine tutus', i.e. 'Save under the Lime-tree'. (Tilia means in Dutch linde, lime ...

€ 80,00

HARLES,Th.Chr. Theophili Christophori Harles Brevior Notitia litteraturae romanae, in primis scriptorum latinorum. (And:) Supplementa (I, II & III) ad Breviorem Notitiam litteraturae romanae, in primis scriptorum latinorum (continuavit Carol. Frider. Henr. Klügling) Leipzig (Lipsiae), In Libraria Weidmanniana, 1789 - 1817. 8vo. 4 volumes in 3: XXVI,796,15,(1 blank); XII,531,(1 blank); XII,552; X,362 p. 18 cm (Ref: Graesse 3,212; Ebert 2989, (see Ebert 2990, where Harles' bibliographic work is completely burned to the ground, and where the duties of a real bibliographer are explained; Schweiger 2, p. VIII) (Details: Ad volume 1: volume 1 is a contemporary plain 'Pappband', the cover is worn at the extremities. Stamp on the title, and a bookplate on the front pastedown. Ad volumes 2 and 3: the 2 volumes with the Supplementa I,II & III are bound in 3/4 calf, and have a gilt coat of arms on the boards. The bindings of ...

€ 150,00

HEINSIUS,D. (Danielis Heinsii Poematum editio nova. Accedunt praeter alia libri, 'De Contemptu Mortis' antehac una non editi) Ad 1: (Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Sumptibus Elzeviriorum, et Ioannis Mairii, 1621) Ad 2: Leiden (Lugd. Batavorum), Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1621. 8vo. 2 volumes in 1: (VIII),474 (recte 478),(2 blank); (VI),167 (recte 165),(19 index) p. Red morocco. 14 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 832974838; Willems 187; according to Willems 'on lit sur le dern. f.: Lugduni Batavorum, typis Isaaci Elsevirii, iurati Academiae typographi, 1622; our copy has 1621. A mistake of Willems?; Berghman 862 & 863; Rahir 158 & 159; Breugelmans p. 180, 1621:3; Brunet 3,83; Ebert 9378) (Details: Charming copy. Back with 5 raised bands and ruled gilt. Boards with gilt borders and edges. Inside gilt dentelles. Edges of the bookblock gilt. Marbled endpapers. The title-page of the first volume is lacking and has been replaced by the ...

€ 380,00

HEINSIUS,D. Danielis Heinsii De contemptu mortis libri IV. Ad nobilissimum amplissisimumque virum Ianum Rutgersium. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1621. 4to. (VIII),196,(24 index) p. 19th century hardback. 18.5 cm § One of the finest didactic poems of its time. (Ref: STCN ppn 833009389; Willems 186; Berghman 861; Rahir 157; Brunet 3,83: 'la meilleure production poétique de l'auteur'; Ebert 9379; Graesse 3,232) (Details: Dull binding. Title in red & black. Elsevier's printer's mark on the title, depicting an old man standing in the shade of a vine-entwined elmtree, symbolising the symbiotic relationship between scholar and publisher. The motto: 'Non solus', probably indicates the interdependency of publisher and scholar. On the verso of the last leaf of the second volume: 'Lugduni Batavorum, 'Typis Isaaci Elzevirii, Iurati Academiae Typographi, 1621'. Edges ...

€ 775,00

HEINSIUS,D. Danielis Heinsii Orationum editio nova. Tertia parte auctior, caeteris sic recensitis, ut alia videri possit. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex officina Bonaventurae & Abrahami Elzevir, Acad. Typogr.,1627. 8vo. (XVI),661,(3) p. Overlapping vellum 15.5 cm § Oratorical fireworks (Ref: Willems 277; Berghman 770; Rahir 239 or 240) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Boards with blind double fillet borders. Elsevier's woodcut printer's mark on the title of both volumes, depicting an old man standing in the shade of a vine-entwined elmtree, symbolising the symbiotic relationship between scholar and publisher. The motto is: 'Non solus', probably indicating the interdependency of publisher and scholar. They cannot do it alone, and need each other) (Condition: Vellum age-tanned. Waterstained in the lower margin at the beginning and at the end of the book. All 4 ties gone. Paper ...

€ 420,00

HEINSIUS,D. Laus asini. Tertia parte auctior, cum aliis festivis opusculis. Leiden (Lugd. Batavorum), Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1629. 24mo. (XX),438,(2 blank) p. Overlapping vellum 11.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 832854379; Willems 315; Berghman 1247; Rahir 286; Brunet 3,84; Graesse 3,233) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Engraved title, depicting 2 learned gentlemen, perhaps Ewaldus Schrevelius, to whom the book is dedicated, and Heinsius' friend Aldoph Vorstius, who doff their hats for an ass) (Condition: Vellum soiled and scratched. Front board slightly damaged at the upper edge. All four ties gone. Front flyleaf removed. Right edge of the title thumbed, very tiny and almost invisible hole in the title) (Note: The 'Laus asini (ad Senatum Populumque eorum, qui ignari omnium, scientias hoc tempore contemnunt) was published anonymously for the first time in 1623. An augmented edition appeared in 1629. The author is ...

€ 200,00

HEINSIUS,D. Laus asini. Tertia parte auctior, cum aliis festivis opusculis, quorum seriem pagella sequens indicat. Leiden (Lugd. Batavorum), Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1629. 24mo. (XX),438,(2 blank) p. Contemporary calf 10.5 cm (Ref: Willems 315; Berghman 1247; Rahir 286; Brunet 3,84; Graesse 3,233) (Details: Binding ruled blind. Engraved title, depicting 2 learned gentlemen, perhaps Ewaldus Schrevelius, to whom the book is dedicated, and Heinsius' friend Adolph Vorstius, who both doff their hats for an ass) (Condition: Binding scuffed and with a few scratches, corners bumped. Small piece of leather gone at the foot of the spine. Both pastedowns detached) (Note: The 'Laus asini' (ad Senatum Populumque eorum, qui ignari omnium, scientias hoc tempore contemnunt) was published anonymously for the first time in 1623. An augmented edition appeared in 1629. The author is according to all critics the Dutch classical ...

€ 280,00

HEINSIUS,D. Danielis Heinsii Poemata auctiora. Editore Nicolao Heinsio Dan. Fil. (And:) Danielis Heinsii Poemata graeca, et e graecis latine reddita, diverso tempore ac aetate conscripta. Quibus Adoptivorum liber accedit. (Ad 1:) Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Francis. Hegerum, 1640. (Ad 2:) Leiden (Lugd. Bat.), Ex Officina Francisci Hegeri, 1640. 12mo. 2 volumes in 1: (XX),575,(1 blank);189,(3 errata) p. Overlapping vellum 13 cm (Ref: Willems 1613: 'Édition la meilleure, la plus complète et la plus belle des poésies latines et grecques de Dan. Heinsius'; Rahir 1892; Berghman 864; Brunet 3,84; Ebert 9380) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Volume 1 has an engraved title, it depicts 'Severitas', i.e. 'Seriousness', as a seated and bearded philosopher/author who's hand rests on a book; he is looking at 'Lepor', or 'Plaesantry', depicted as a young woman/Muse playing ...

€ 350,00

HEINSIUS,D. Dan. Heinsii De tragoediae constitutione liber, in quo inter caetera tota de hac Aristotelis sententia dilucide explicatur. Editio auctior multo, cui & Aristotelis De poëtica libellus, cum ejusdem notis & interpretatione, accedit. Leiden (Lugd. Batav.), Ex officinâ Elsevirianâ, 1643. 12mo. (XII),368 p. 19th century calf 13.5 cm 'De tragoediae constitutione' established the reputation of Heinsius as an Aristotelian literary critic (Ref: Willems 554; Berghman 964; Rahir 548; Brunet 3,83; Graesse 3,232; Ebert 9377) (Details: Back ruled gilt, with a letterpiece. Boards with blind stamped borders & gilt dentelles on the turn-overs. Marbled endpapers. Elsevier's woodcut printer's mark on the title, featuring an old man who stands in the shade of a vine-entwined elmtree, symbolising the symbiotic relationship between scholar and publisher. The motto is: 'Non ...

€ 320,00

HEINSIUS,D. Danielis Heinsii Poemata Latina et Graeca; Editio post plurimas postrema longe auctior. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Apud Joannem Janssonium, 1649. 12mo. (XII),666,(2 errata),(4 blank) p., frontispiece. Calf 13.5 cm 'Elegantly printed edition of Heinsius' collective neo-Latin & neo-Greek poetry' (Ref: STCN ppn 850068738; Cf. Willems 1613; Berghman 865; Rahir 2013; Ebert 9380; Brunet 3,84; Graesse 3,232; Ebert 9380) (Details: Back elaborately gilt, with 5 raised bands, and with a red morocco letterpiece in the second compartment. Boards with tripple fillet gilt borders, within which is another tripple fillet rectangle with cornerpieces. Marbled endpapers. Engraved frontispiece, depicting a kind of altar on which rests a shield with text; the altar is flanked by an angel and a girl; the angel tramples on a skeleton; above this scene soars a winged Fama, blowing two horns) (Condition: Joints slightly rubbed. Two ...

€ 290,00

HEMSTERHUIS,T. & D. RUHNKEN.- LINDEMANN,F. Vitae duumvirorum Tiberii Hemsterhusii et Davidis Ruhnkenii. Altera ab eodem Ruhnkenio, altera a Dan. Wyttenbachio scripta. Olim in Germania iunctim repetitae nunc iterum editae. Accessit Elogium Ioannis Meermanni, auctore Constantino Cras. Curavit Fridericus Lindemann. Leipzig (Lipsiae), In Libraria Hinrichsiana, 1822. 8vo. 284 p. Contemporary dull stiff wrappers 22 cm (Ref: Graesse 6/1,191; Ebert 19587; Brunet 4,1457) (Details: Margins uncut) (Condition: Spine covered with a strip of brown paper. Boards worn. Paper yellowing and foxed) (Note: The honour of reviving the study of Greek in the Netherlands belongs to the Dutch classical scholar Tiberius Hemsterhuis, 1685-1766, who became professor Mathematics and Philosophy at the Athenaeum of Amsterdam at the age of 19. His great example was the English classical scholar Richard Bentley, 1662-1742 with whom he corresponded early in his ...

€ 100,00

HEMSTERHUIS,T.- BERGMAN,J.Th. Elogium Tiberii Hemsterhusii, auctore Davide Ruhnkenio. Accedunt duae Richardi Bentleji epistolae ad Hemsterhusium. Vita Davidis Ruhnkenii, auctore Daniele Wyttenbachio. Cum praefatione et annotatione edidit Joannes Theodorus Bergman. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud S. & J. Luchtmans, Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Apud P. den Hengst et Filium, 1824. 8vo. (VIII),XLIV,(IV);532 p. Vellum 22 cm (Ref: Ebert 24055: 'Beste Ausgabe dieser beiden Meisterwerke'; Graesse 6/1,191 & 6/2,481; Spoelder p. 545, Dordrecht 2) (Details: Prize copy, but without the prize. Back and boards gilt, gilt coat of arms of Dordrecht in the centre of both boards. The last 230 pages contain the notes of Bergman) (Condition: Prize gone. Vellum age-toned, back soiled, red label in the 'second compartment' gone. Upper board slightly curved. Several marginal pencil annotations and some foxing) (Note: The honour ...

€ 250,00

HEMSTERHUIS,T.- RUHNKEN,D. Elogium Tiberii Hemsterhusii auctore Davide Ruhnkenio. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Sam. et Joh. Luchtmans, Academiae Typographos, 1768. 8vo. 60,(4 blank) p. Contemporary paper wrappers 22 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 240927982) (Details: First edition. Margins uncut) (Condition: Cover worn. Right edge thumbed and slightly chipping. Paper yellowing) (Note: The honour of reviving the study of Greek in the Netherlands belongs to the Dutch classical scholar Tiberius Hemsterhuis, 1685-1766, who was appointed professor Mathematics and Philosophy at the Athenaeum of Amsterdam at the age of 19. His great example was the English classical scholar Richard Bentley, 1662-1742, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, with whom he corresponded early in his career. In 1705 Hemsterhuis was promoted to a professorship in Harderwijk, and in 1717 he was appointed professor of Greek at the University of Franeker. In 1740 he was ...

€ 160,00

HEPHAESTION. HÊPHAISTIÔNÔS ALEXANDREÔS EGCHEIRIDION PERI METRÔN KAI POIÊMATOS. EIS TO AUTO SCHOLIA. Hephaestionis Alexandrini Enchiridion de metris et poemate. Cum scholiis antiquis, et animadversionibus Joannis Cornelii De Pauw. Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Apud Melchior. Leonardum Charlois, 1726. (Colophon at the end: Trajecti ad Rhenum, Typis Petri Muntendam) 4to. (IV),188,(7 index),(1) p. Half calf 21 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 185828795; Hoffmann 2,203; Brunet 5,104; Graesse 3,243; Ebert 9451) (Details: Back, rebacked antique style, with 5 raised bands, and with a red morocco shield in the second compartment. The boards are original and are covered with marbled paper. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting the intertwined initials of M.L. Charlois. Edges dyed red) (Condition: Rebacked antique style. The paper on the boards is worn. Corners bumped. Upper margin of the first 2 leaves slightly waterstained) (Note: The ...

€ 475,00