
Old and Rare books

Resultaten 121 - 140 van 426

FLORUS. Lucii Annaei Flori Rerum Romanarum editio novissima, accurante Joanne Freinshemio. In qua quid praestitum sit, aversa pagina docet. Strassburg (Argentorati), Apud Georg. Andr. Dolhopf & Joh.Eberh. Zetzner, 1669. 8vo. (32),452,(155, 'Variae lectiones' & index),(1 blank) p.; frontispiece. Vellum 17 cm (Ref: VD17 3:306199X; Schweiger 2,361; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,444; Graesse 2,605) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Frontispiece depicts two discussing Roman warriors, at their feet the she-wolf and the twins Romulus and Remus, above their head soars a big eagle holding in its claws a crown and a scepter. Woodcut printer's mark, depicting a bust of the Greek goddess Athena) (Condition: 3 thongs of the joint of the lower board snapped. Vellum age-toned & somewhat soiled. Pastedown of the lower board detached. Old ink annotations in the first gatherings. Ten gatherings browning) (Note: ...

€ 280,00

FLORUS. L.A. Florus cum notis integris Cl. Salmasii et selectissimis Variorum, accurante S.M.D.C. Additus etiam L. Ampelius ex Bibliotheca Cl. Salmasii. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1674. 8vo. (XVI),588,(108 index),46,(2 blank) p. Overlapping vellum 20.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 842457577; Willems 1490; Berghman 2064; Rahir 1598; Schweiger 2,361; Ebert 7683. Spoelder p. 613, Hoorn 2) (Details: Prize copy, without the prize. 6 thongs laced through both joints. Blind stamped fleurs de lis on the back. Boards with blind double fillet borders, in the center of them the coat of arms of the city of Hoorn. Engraved title, depicting a throned goddess Roma on a pedestal, allegorical figures, representing Europe, Asia and Africa offer her their treasures; in the foreground Tibur, and little Romulus and Remus and their shewolf) (Condition: Prize gone. vellum age-toned, slightly soiled and scratched. All 4 textile fastening ties ...

€ 225,00

FLORUS. L. Annaei Flori Rerum Romanarum libri quatuor, annotationibus, in usum studiosae juventutis, instar commentarii illustrati, auctore Johanne Min-Ellio. Quibus accedunt exerptiones chronologicae, ad Flori Historias accommodatae; additus denique L. Ampelius ex Bibliotheca Salmasii. Rotterdam (Roterodami), Ex officina Arnoldi Leers, 1680. 12mo. (XXIV, including frontispiece), 405; (99 index),(2 blank) p. Vellum 14 cm Favourite school-book in the 17th century (Ref: Schweiger 361) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Frontispiece, depicting a victorious Dea Roma on a pedastal, flanked by a statue of Romulus and of Caesar, who symbolize the beginning and the end of this historical work. At their feet the famous twins and the she-wolf. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, its motto reads: 'Labore et Vigilantia'. It depicts a woman, Vigilantia, holding an open book in her left hand, and a oil lamp in her right. ...

€ 140,00

FLORUS. Abrégé de l'Histoire Romaine de L.A. Florus. Traduction nouvelle avec des notes par M. l'Abbé Paul, professeur d'éloquence au Collége d'Arles. Paris, Chez les Frères Barbou, 1794 - 1795 (L'An III de la République Française) 12mo. (IV),384 p. Modern half calf. 18.5 cm (Ref: This edition not in Schweiger and Brunet; however cf Schweiger 2,366; cf Brunet 2/2,1312; cf Ebert 7698) (Details: Latin text with facing French translation. Back with five raised bands; marbled boards, marbled endpapers. Only the upper margin has been cut) (Condition: Small bookplate on the front pastedown. Small waterstain in the right lower corner and the left inner corner of the first 30 p. Paper yellowing) (Note: This is the chief work of the Roman historian Lucius Annaeus Florus, who lived at the beginning 2nd century AD. It is an abridgement (epitome) of Roman history ...

€ 90,00
FOURCROY, Abbé de.
FOURCROY, Abbé de.
FOURCROY, Abbé de.
FOURCROY, Abbé de.

FOURCROY, Abbé de. Méthode pour apprendre facilement l'histoire romaine. Avec une chronologie du regne des Empereurs, & un abregé des coutumes des romains par Monsieur D***. Édition nouvelle corrigée & augmentée. Brussels (Brusselle), Chez François Foppens, 1701. 12mo. 320,(4) p., frontispiece. Calf 14 cm A popular schoolbook (Details: On the frontispiece, made by J. Harrewijn, are a number of Roman symbols, the she-wolf and the twins, a Roman warrior with S.P.Q.R. on his shield, a lictor with his fasces, and a triumphal arch) (Condition: Binding rubbed & scuffed; head of spine chafed; front joint split for about 4 cm; small paper label near the foot of the spine) (Note: Quérard (833d) attributes this very popular schoolbook to l'Abbé de Fourcroy. It was first published in 1694, and was reissued many times, up to 1785. It was also translated into ...

€ 150,00

FRIESEMAN,H. Nieuw Nederduitsch-Latijnsch woordenboek, door H. Frieseman, lid van het Utrechtsche Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen en Rector van het Veluwsche Gymnasium te Harderwijk. Zutphen, Bij H.C.A. Thieme, 1810. 8vo. 2 volumes: VIII,1448 p. Contemporary boards 17 cm (Details: Marbled paper on cover) (Condition: Binding worn, especially at the extremities) (Note: Hendrik Frieseman, ca. 1755-1821, was the last rector of the Schola Latina of Harderwijk from 1805 till 1814. The school had only 6 pupils when it closed down. The Schola Latina had become obsolete and lost pupils to the local French school; Frieseman published also the first complete translation into Dutch of Thucydides in 1786. (OiN p. 372) (Onderzoek naar zeventien Gelderse Latijnse scholen. Zutphen, 1985 p. 287) (Photographs on request)
Book number: 120134 Euro 60.00

Keywords: (Rare Books), Dutch, Latin, Lexicographie, Lexikon, ...

€ 60,00

FRONTINUS. S. Julii Frontini libri quatuor Strategematicon, cum notis integris Francisci Modii, Godescalci Stewechii, Petri Scriverii, & Samuelis Tennulii. His accedunt, cum P. Scriverii, tum aliorum doctorum ineditae observationes, curante Francisco Oudendorpio, qui & suas adnotationes, variasque MStorum lectiones adjecit. Editio altera multo auctior & emendatior. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Sam. et Joann. Luchtmans, 1779. 8vo. (LXXVIII),570,(132),(2 blank) p., frontispiece. Vellum. 22 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 189887621; Schweiger 2,369: 'Mit Bereicherungen in den Noten'; Brunet 2,1409; Graesse 2,639; Ebert 7963; Spoelder p. 628, Leiden 5) (Details: Prize copy, but without the prize. Boards with the gilt coat of arms of the city of Leyden. Frontispiece depicting both sides of a coin from the time of Domitianus (81-96 AD), showing a portrait of a bearded man with the name of proconsul Frontinus in Greek; on the tail-side ...

€ 280,00

GAIL,J.B. Idylles de Bion et de Moschus, traduites en Français par J.B. Gail. professeur de Littérature grecque au Collège de France. (And 2:) Odes, inscriptions, épitaphes, épithalames et fragments d'Anacréon. Avec des notes critques et un discours préliminaire par le c(itoy)en Gail. (And 3:) Républiques de Sparte et d'Athènes. Traduites de Xénophon, par J.-B. Gail. (And 4:) Manuel d'Épictete et tableau de Cébès en grec, avec une traduction française, précédée d'un discours contre la Morale de Zénon et contre le Suicide, avec des idées d'une morale plus pure. Par Lefebvre Villebrune. Tome 1 & 2. (And 5:) Hymnes de Callimaque, nouvelle édition. Avec une version française et des notes par J.F.G. de la Porte Du Theil. 1re & 2me partie. (And 6:) Mythologie dramatique. Traduite de grec de Lucien par J.-B. ...

€ 600,00

GAULLYER,D. Regles de poëtique, tirées d'Aristote, d'Horace, de Despreaux et d'autres célébres Auteurs. Paris, Chez G.F. Quillau Fils, Imp. Jur. Lib. de l'Université, 1728. 12mo. XVI,505,(7) p. Calf 15 cm (Details: Back with 5 raised bands) (Condition: Calf very scuffed and dry; leather at the head and the tail of the spine chafed off. Corners bumped. Old paper shelf number on the back. Name and a shelf number on the title. Stamp on the verso of the title. Lower margin partly and very slightly dampstained. Paper yellowing) (Note: Denis, or Dionysius Gaullyer, 1688-1736, was professor at the College de Plessis-Sorbonne, and specialized in grammar and rhetoric. He died insane. At the end of the book is a list with 12 other titles by Gaullyer. He published on French and Latin grammar, edited the 'Epistulae ad Familiares' of Cicero, the poems of Gregorius Nazianzenus, Florus and ...

€ 90,00

GAUTRUCHE,P. Historia poetica ad faciliorem poetarum et veterum auctorum intelligentiam; a R. Patre P. Gautruche soc. Jesu Gallice conscripta. Post septimam editionem latine reddita ab Uno eiusdem Societatis. In gratiam Poetices Candidatorum. Tyrnau (Tyrnaviae), Typis Academicis, 1728. 12mo. (VIII),180 (recte 179);(20 index),(1 blank) p. Vellum 13 cm (Details: Woodcut printer's mark of the Jesuit Order on the title) (Condition: Vellum slightly soiled and spotted. Back very slightly damaged. Old shelf number with ink on the front board. Front flyleaf removed. Wormholes in the inner margin of the endpapers at the end, and of the last 3 leaves, with some loss of letters in the index. Modern stamp & old name on the front pastedown) (Note: The contribution of the Jesuit order to the cultural history of Central and Eastern Europe was more significant than it was to the West. The small town of Trnava in Slovakia, or Tyrnau, or in ...

€ 140,00

GELLIUS. Auli Gellii luculentissimi scriptoris Noctes Atticae. Lyon (Lugduni), Apud Haered. Seb. Gryphii, 1560. (LXIII)(I blank),533,(3 blank) p. Limp vellum 17 cm (Ref: Schweiger 378; Dibdin 1,340: 'beautiful and accurate edition, (..) deserving of the student's notice'; Moss 1,203; Graesse 3,46; Ebert 8283) (Details: Gryphius' woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting a griffin, which mythological animal symbolizes courage, diligence, watchfulness, and rapidity of execution, used as a pun of his family name Gryph or Greif. From the claws of this creature hangs a big rectangular stone, beneath which is a winged orb. The motto is 'Virtute duce / comite fortuna', 'Virtue thy leader, fortune thy comrade', a quote from a letter of Cicero to Plancus (Epistulae ad Familiares, liber X,3). At the end a woodcut griffin. The text is printed completely in italics, except for the title) (Condition: Vellum ...

€ 375,00

GELLIUS. A. Gellii luculentissimi scriptoris Noctes Atticae. Nunc denuo ab infinitis quibus scatebant mendis, summa ac diligenti cura repurgatae, atque pristinae integritati restitutae. Venice, (Venetiis), Apud Hieronymum Scotum, 1569. 8vo. (XVI),543,(1 blank) p. 18th/19th century half vellum 16 cm (Ref: Edit16, CNCE 20612; Not in Schweiger, Didbin, Moss, Ebert, Graesse, Brunet or Fabricius/Ernesti) (Details: Evidently a rare book. Not a single copy in Rare Book Hub (Americana Exchange). KVK (Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog) refers only to copies in Italian libraries. Marbled boards. Printer's mark on the title, depicting a winged leopard (a kind of griffin) carrying a winged orb or ball. Woodcut initial at the beginning of each of the 20 books. Printed almost completely in italics. At the end is a 35 page list of Greek passages found in the text with their translation into Latin, called dictionum graecarum interpretatio) (Condition: Cover ...

€ 725,00

GELLIUS. Auli Gellii Noctes Atticae, seu Vigiliae Atticae, quas nunc primum a magno mendorum numero magnus veterum exemplarium numerus repurgavit. Henrici Stephani Noctes aliquot Parisinae, Atticis A. Gellii Noctibus seu Vigiliis invigilatae. Eiusdem H. Stephani annotationes in alios Gellii locos prodibunt cum notis Lud. Carrionis (qui vet. exemplaria contulit) prelo iam traditis. Paris (Parisiis), (H. Stephanus), 1585. Cum privilegio Caesaris, et Gallorum regis in decennium. 8vo. (VI),23,(1 blank),587,(1 blank);(74 index),(2 blank),205,(3 blank) p. Vellum 18 cm (Ref: Renouard p. 450/51, 1585,2: 'édition rare et estimable', Schweiger 2,378; Brunet 1523/24; Graesse 3,46; Ebert 8284) (Details: 5 thongs laced through both joints. Short title on the back) (Condition: Vellum soiled and spotted, big red stain on the lower board. Occasional old ink underlinings & marginalia. Small and old inscription on the verso of the ...

€ 565,00

GELLIUS. Auli Gellii Noctes Atticae. Editio nova et prioribus omnibus docti hominis cura multo castigatior. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1651. 12mo. (XLVIII),498,(122 index) p. 19th cent. marbled boards. 13 cm (Ref: Neue Pauly, Suppl. 2, p. 261; Willems 1127: 'Édition fort jolie et qui passe pour très correcte'; Berghman 2065 ; Rahir 1145; Graesse 3,46; Ebert 8287; Dibdin 1,340/41; Fabricius/Ernesti 3,10: 'emendatissima editio'; Schweiger 2,378: 'Neue, werthvolle Recens. nach Handschr. von Jo.Frd. Gronovius'; Brunet 2,1524: 'Jolie édition') (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints; engraved title, depicting a learned writer at work under the light of an oil lamp) (Condition: Cover worn at the extremities; marbled paper on the back scuffed; lower corner of a few leaves vaguely waterstained; without the last two blank leaves. Paper somewhat yellowing) (Note: ...

€ 225,00

GELLIUS. Auli Gellii Noctium Atticarum libri XX prout supersunt, quos ad libros MSStos novo & multo labore exegerunt, perpetuis notis & emendationibus illustraverunt Johannes Fredericus et Jacobus Gronovii. Accedunt Gasp. Scioppii integra MSStorum duorum codicum collatio, Petri Lambecii lucubrationes Gellianae, & ex Lud. Carrionis castigationibus utilia excerpta, ut & selecta variaque commentaria ab Ant. Thysio & Jac. Oiselio congesta. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Cornelium Boutesteyn & Johannem du Vivié, 1706. 4to. (XXXVI),903,(63 indices) p. Vellum 25.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 227931653; Neue Pauly Suppl. 2, p. 261; Schweiger 2,379: 'Noch immer sehr gesuchte Ausgabe und durch die neueste Bearbeitung nicht entbehrlich gemacht'; Dibdin 1,341: 'This edition (...) has as much literary merit as any of the Dutch editions of the classics in 4to. The notes of other critics are selected with judgment, and the ...

€ 400,00

GENNADIUS MASSILIENSIS. Gennadii Massiliensis Presbyteri Liber de Ecclesiasticis dogmatibus. Veteris cuiusdam theologi Homilia Sacra. Marcialis Episcopi Lemovicensis Epistolae. Geverhartus Elmenhorstius ex MS. provulgavit, & notas addidit. Hamburg (Hamburgi), anno Messiae Regis Aeterni 1614. (Colophon at p. 207: 'Explicitum XIV Kalend. Decembris anno Messiae Regis Aeterni 1613') 4to. (IV),250,(1 errata),(1 blank) p. Old contemporary boards. 19 cm (Ref: VD17 23:274421U; Bardenhewer , 'Geschichte der altkirchlichen Literatur', Freiburg i.Br., 1924, volume 4,595/597: 'Die wichtigste der älteren Ausgaben'; Graesse 3,49; Ebert 8313) (Details: Title in red & black. Some woodcut initials) (Condition: Cover very scuffed and worn, and chafed at the extremities. Pencil notes on the inside of the frontcover. Last 2 leaves waterstained. Upper margins of last but one leaf repaired. Paper browning. Occasional ...

€ 300,00

GEOPONICA. Constantini Caesaris selectarum praeceptionum de agricultura libri viginti. Iano Cornario Medico interprete. Lyon, (Lugduni), Apud Seb. Gryphium, 1541. 8vo. 349;(15 index),(2 blank) p. 18th century calf 16 cm (Ref: Hoffmann 1,422; Graesse 3,53; Ebert 8337; Not in Brunet) (Details: Back gilt, and with 3 raised bands. Boards with tripple fillet borders, and gilt floral ornaments at the corners. Woodcut printer's mark of Sebastianus Gryphius on the title, depicting a griffin, which mythological animal symbolizes courage, diligence, watchfulness, and rapidity of execution, used as a pun of his family name Gryph or Greif. From the claws of this creature hangs a big rectangular stone, symbolizing Constancy, beneath which hangs a winged globe, symbolizing Fortune. The motto is 'Virtute duce / comite fortuna', 'Virtue thy leader, fortune thy comrade', is a quote from a letter of Cicero to Plancus (Epistulae ad ...

€ 1100,00

GLAZER,J. Kort begrip der Romeinsche geschiedenis in themata ten gebruike der Fransche Scholen door J. Glazer, kostschoolhouder te Kampen. (Zutphen, H.C.A. Thieme, 1823). 172 p. Contemporary stiff wrapper. 16 cm (Condition: Cover very scuffed; name of the author on the frontcover worn away. Paper on the back partly gone. Lacking the first 2 leaves with the title and the preface)(Photographs on request)
Book number: 120104 Euro 30.00

Keywords: (Oude Druk), (Rare Books), Roman history, Schulbuch, alte Geschichte, ancient history, antike altertum antiquity, römische Geschichte, schoolbook

€ 30,00

GOTHOFREDUS, D. Antiquae Historiae ex XXVII. authoribus contextae, libri VI, Totidem solennes temporum epochas continentes. Dionysii Gothofredi JC. opera. Cum indice accuratiss. (Bound with the second part, which is called:) Historiae Antiquae pars altera De imperatoribus Romanis liber IIII, a Julio Caesare ad divisum imperium, sub Constantino Irenes, & Carolo Magno. Liber V, a Constantino, Irenes filio, ad Constantinum ultimum, & captam a Turcis Constantinopolin. Liber VI, a Carolo Magno ad Rodolphum II. Strasbourg, (Argentorati), Impensis Lazari Zetzneri, 1604. 8vo. 2 parts in 1 volume. (XVI),385,(36 index),(1 blank); 639,(23 index) p. Modern half vellum. 16 cm (Ref: VD17 3:006921C & VD17 3:006920V) (Details: Boards marbled. Woodcut printer's mark on both titles, depicting the head of the goddess Athena in profile, the motto is 'Scientia immutabilis'. Occasional woodcut initials) (Condition: Vellum at ...

€ 280,00

GRAEVIUS,J.G. Jo. Georgii Graevii Praefationes et Epistolae CXX. In usum latinae eloquentiae studiosorum collectae & editae a Jo. Alberto Fabricio, D. & Eloqu. Prof. Adjuncta est Petri Burmanni V.Cl. oratio dicta in Graevii funere. Hamburg (Hamburgi), Sumtu Christiani Liebezeit, Typis Spiringianis, 1707. Small 8vo. (XVI),637,(3 blank) p. Vellum 17 cm (Ref: Not yet in VD18; Sandys 2,327ff.) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Engraved portrait of Graevius before the title, made after an engraving of G. Valck of ca. 1705, engraved in its turn after an oil painting by Gerard Hoet, painted between 1675 and 1699. Title in red & black) (Condition: Vellum somewhat spotted. Renewed endpapers; some old ink underlinings; small wormhole in the right margin of the last two blank leaves) (Note: Johann Georg Graeve, or in Latin Johannes Georgius Graevius, 1632-1703, was born in Germany, and educated at Schulpforta. He ...

€ 425,00