
Old and Rare books

Resultaten 61 - 80 van 426

CEBES. KEBÊTOS THÊBAIOU PINAX. Cebes, des Thebaners Gemählde, mit erklärenden Anmerkungen und einem vollständigen Wortregister. Für Schulen bearbeitet von Johann David Büchling. Meissen, Bey Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Erbstein, 1796. 8vo. 176 p. Contemporary boards 18 cm (Ref: VD18 11454512; Hoffmann 1,443; not in Graesse or Ebert) (Details: Schoolbook, with an introduction of 34 p. At the end an index verborum of 54 p. Greek text on the upper half of the page, German notes on the lower half) (Condition: Cover worn at the extremities. Paper slightly yellowing. Two ownership inscriptions on the front endpapers) (Note: The dialogue Cebetis tabula dates from the first century A.D., it was attributed to the philosopher Cebes, a student of the Athenian Socrates. In it an ancient temple painting, which caught the attention of two visitors, is explained by an old man. It is an allegorical ...

€ 90,00

CEBES.- SPIEGHEL,H.L. H.L. Spieghels Hertspieghel en andere Zedeschriften, met verscheidene nooit gedrukte stukken verrijkt, en door aenteekeningen opgeheldert door P. Vlaming. Met nieuwe figuren. Amsterdam (t'Amsterdam), By Andries van Damme, 1723 8vo. (LXVIII),564 p. Frontispiece, 1 portrait, 2 folding plates, 8 full page engravings, 2 folding tables and 4 poems embedded in full page engravings. Calf. 19.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 17136984X; OiN p. 138; Geerebaert XXIV,7) (Details: Back and boards gilt with floral motives. Frontispiece by J. Goeree, C. van Haarlem, A van Buysen, it depicts Arion on the back of a huge dolphin, playing his lyre, while the storm rages. Title printed in red and black. Engraved printer's device designed and engraved by J. Goeree on the title, depicting 3 bucolic musicians, motto: 'Altro diletto ch' imparar non provo', 'I feel no greater delight than to learn'. After the preface ...

€ 150,00

CHOMPRÉ,P. Dictionnaire abrégé de la fable. Pour l'intelligence des poètes, des tableaux & des statues, dont les sujets sont tirés de l'histoire poétique. Par M. Chompré, licencié en droit. Nouvelle édition, augmentée. Bruxelles, Chez B. Le Francq, 1801. VIII,418 p. Hardbound 14 cm (Original binding covered with soiled yellow paper)(See wikipedia for Chompré)
Book number: 110966 Euro 52.00

Keywords: (Oude Druk), (Rare Books), Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Dichtkunst, Greek religion, Lexikographie, Lexikon, Mythen, Mythologie, Poesie, Roman religion, classical art, griechische Religion, klassische Archäologie, klassische Kunst, lexicography, lexicon, mythology, myths, poetry

€ 52,00

CICERO. Commentationes diversorum partim antea, partim nunc primum editae in Epist. M.T. Ciceronis, quae olim Familiares dictae, nunc rectius Ad Familiares appellantur. N.pl. (Geneva), Excudebat Henr. Stephanus, 1577. 8vo. 2 parts in 1: VIII,231,(1 blank);205,(1 blank) p. Vellum 16.5 cm (Ref: GLN-6033; Renouard, Estienne, 144; Schreiber, Estiennes, no. 15; Dibdin 1,423) (Details: The vellum that the binder used comes from a once sumptuously calligraphed manuscript leaf with Psalm 118 vss 17/21 written in six lines: 'Retribue servo tuo vivifica me et custodiam sermones tuos./ Revela oculos meos et considerabo mirabilia de lege tua./ Incola ego sum de (sic!) terra, non abscondas a me mandata tua./ Concupivit anima mea desiderare iustificationes tuas in omni tempore./ Increpasti superbos maledicti qui declinant a mandatis tuis'. The letter is the gothic 'textura', used for liturgical texts in the 14th & 15th century, and ...

€ 800,00

CICERO. M. Tullii Ciceronis Epistolae ad Atticum, aliosque; ad optimas editiones collatae. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Joannem Blaeu, 1657. 12mo. (XII),740 p. Calf 14 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 093089015; not in Brunet, Graesse, Moss, Ebert or Schweiger, but cf. Schweiger 2,106) (Details: Back gilt, and with 5 raised bands. Woodcut printer's mark on the title depicting a sphere with the signs of the zodiac; the sphere is flanked by Tempus, who holds a scythe and has a winged hour glass on his head, and Hercules leaning on his club; the motto is: 'Indefessus agendo') (Condition: Binding scuffed. Leather chafed at the head & tail of the spine. Corners bumped. Both joints cracking, but firm. A small stain on the title. Bookplate on the front pastedown) (Note: This title is a reissue of volume VI of the 10 volume 'M. Tullii Ciceronis Opera', published by Bonaventura and Abraham Elzevier at Leiden in 1642. It ...

€ 240,00

CICERO. M. Tullii Ciceronis Epistolarum libri XVI. Ad familiares, ut vulgo vocantur, ex recensione Io. Georgii Graevii cum ejusdem animadversionibus. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Henricum Wetstenium, 1689. 12mo. Frontispiece, (X),638,(15 indices),(1 blank) p. Boards of ca. 1800. 16 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,162; Dibdin 423; Moss 1,329; Graesse 2,169) (Details: Gilt black shield on the back. The frontispiece depicts a seated Cicero giving a messenger a letter. Title in red and black) (Condition: Cover scuffed, worn at the extremes. Head & tail chafed. Shield slightly damaged. Front joint cracking but strong. Paper slightly yellowing) (Note: For centuries the Roman orator, author and politician Cicero retained a central position as a school author and a model for good writing, on protestant schools and in Jesuit colleges. The period of his greatest glory was the Renaissance, when he became the object of a literary cult called ...

€ 90,00

CICERO. M.T. Ciceronis Epistolae ad Familiares. Oder Ciceronis Briefe, die er an unterschiedene gute Freunde geschrieben, zu mehrern Nutzen der studierenden Jugend mit Deutschen Anmerkungen also erläutert, dass 1) die schweresten Constructiones erleichtert, 2) die besten Redens-Arten nach der reinen Deutschen Mund-Art übersetzet, 3) die historischen Umstände angezeiget, und 4) die Alterthümer kürzlich erkläret werden. Nebst unterschiedenen nöthigen und nützlichen Lateinischen und Deutschen Real- und Verbal-Registern. Neue verbesserte Auflage. Nürnberg, Verlegts Joh. Paul Krauss, Buchhändler in Wienn, 1761. 8vo. (XVI including frontispiece),740,(124 index) p. Calf 18 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,163; not yet in VD18) (Details: Back with 5 raised bands, and divided with gilt dentelles; red gilt shield in second compartment. Engraved frontispiece depicting a seated Cicero among his friends. Title ...

€ 125,00

CICERO. M.T. Ciceronis De officiis, ex recensione Heusingerorum. Cato major, Laelius, Paradoxa, Somnium Scipionis, ex recensione J.A. Ernesti. Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Apud B. Wild & J. Altheer, 1794. 12mo. (II),288 p. Vellum 13.5 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,205; cf. Dibdin 1,415; cf. Moss 1,309) (Details: 2 thongs laced through the joints. Edges dyed red. Label with woodcut coat of arms of Rotterdam, measuring 3,5 x 4,5 cm, on the front pastedown. Latin text of Cicero only, no preface, notes, translation or commentary) (Condition: Vellum a bit rubbed and soiled) (Note: This collection of philosophical works of the Roman politician and orator Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 BC, the De Officiis, Cato Major, Laelius, Paradoxa and the Somnium must have seen, ever since it first appeared in 1469, hundreds of editions. Of these five texts the first one, on the Offices, was the most important and the most popular. The editio ...

€ 100,00

CICERO. Epistolarum selectarum libri tres, in usum scholarum curante C.F. NAGEL, qui animadversiones, et Belgicam interpretationem vocum & loquendi formularum difficilorum adjecit. Leiden, Honkoop, 1802. 161,12 p. Vellum 16.5 cm
Book number: 107928 Euro 41.00

Keywords: (Oude Druk), (Rare Books), Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Briefe, Correspondence, Epistulae, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Letters, classical philology

€ 41,00

CICERO. Pensées de Cicéron, traduites pour servir à l'éducation de la Jeunesse; par M. l'Abbé d'Olivet. Nouvelle édition, revue et corrigée avec soin. Lyon, Chez Tournachon-Molin, 1804. 12mo. 317,(1) p. Calf 17.5 cm (Details: Back ruled gilt, boards with gilt borders. Marbled endpapers) (Condition: Binding scuffed, back rubbed, corners slightly bumped. Stamp on the verso of the front flyleaf. Paper slightly yellowing) (Note: This is a thematically organized anthology of texts of the Roman politician, rhetor and philosopher Cicero, 106-43 A.D, mostly taken from his philosophical works. It has 12 chapters: I, 'Sur la religion; II, Sur l'homme; III, Sur la conscience; IV, Sur les passions; V, Sur la sagesse; VI, Sur la probité; VII, Sur l'éloquence; VIII, Sur l'amitié; IX, Sur la vieillesse; X, Sur la mort; XI, Songe de Scipion; XII, ...

€ 75,00

CLAUDIANUS. Cl. Claudiani Principum, Heroumque Poetae praegloriosissimi, Quae exstant. Caspar Barthius ope XVII manuscriptorum exemplarium restituit; commentario multo locupletiore, grammatico, critico, philologo, historico, philosophico, politicoque, ita illustravit, ut Auctor pretiosissimus omni aetati, scholasticae, academicae, aulicae, politicaeque, esse debeat ex commendato commendatissimus. Frankfurt (Francofurti), Apud Joannem Naumannum, Bibliop. Hamburgensem, 1650. 4to. (LXXVI, including title & frontispiece),111,(1 blank),1371,(1 blank),(31 corrigenda),(1 blank) p. Vellum 21 cm (Ref: VD17 3:006469N; Schweiger 2,283; Dibdin 1,470: 'Barthius commentary is not only superior to every work which preceded it, but has never been surpassed by any similar production'; Moss 1,376/7: 'rare, and held in considerable estimation'; Brunet 2,88; Ebert 4756; Graesse 2,194; Fabricius/Ernesti 3,201) (Details: 5 thongs laced ...

€ 750,00

CLAUDIANUS. Cl. Claudiani Quae exstant. Nic. Heinsius Dan. Fil. recensuit ac notas addidit, post primam editionem altera fere parte nunc auctiores. Accedunt selecta Variorum commentaria, accurante C.S.M.D. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1665. 8vo. (XXVIII),917,(15 index) p. Vellum 20 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,283/84; Dibdin 1,471: 'in fact the best Variorum edition'; Moss 1,377: 'a very correct and valuable edition' and 'This is one of the very scarcest of the Variorum editions'; Graesse 2,194; Ebert 4757; Brunet 2,88; Ernesti, Bibl. Lat. 1774, 3,201: 'sed optima est ed. a. 1665'; Willems 1350: 'fort bien imprimé'; Rahir 1400; Berghman 2036; Spoelder, Enkhuizen 1, p. 554) (Details: Prize copy, prize gone. 6 thongs laced through both joints. Gilt coat of arms of Enkhuizen within blind ruled borders on both boards. Engraved title depicting the rape of Proserpina, and the battle of ...

€ 400,00

CLAUDIANUS. Cl. Claudiani Quae exstant. Varietate lectionis et perpetua adnotatione illustrata a Io. Matthia Gesnero. Accedit index uberrimus. Leipzig (Lipsiae), In officina Fritschia, 1759. 8vo. 2 volumes: (XIV) p., p. 1-400; (2),401-720; 222 (index),(2 blank). Vellum. 20 cm (Ref: Neue Pauly, Suppl. 2, p. 178: 'enthält (...) nützlichen lat. Komm.'; Schweiger 2,184: 'Im wesentlichen ist der Text der Ausg. von Heinsius (1650) wiederhohlt, aber auch dessen spätere Emendationen u. ältere Ausgg. zu Rathe gezogen. Die kurzen Anmerkgg. erläutern trefflich den Sinn, die Sprache u. die Sachen'; Dibdin 1,471/72: 'A work so recommended (...) will not make the student hesitate long about the necessity of procuring it.'; Moss 1,377: 'undoubtedly a very excellent and valuable edition'.; Ebert 4759; Brunet 2,88; Graesse 2,194; Not yet in VD18; Fabricius/Ernesti 3,202) (Details: 2 thongs laced ...

€ 225,00

COLLECTIO PISAURENSIS, omnium poematum, carminum, fragmentorum latinorum, sive ad christianos, sive ad ethnicos, sive ad certos, sive ad incertos poetas; a prima latinae linguae aetate ad sextum usque christianum seculum & Longobardorum in Italiam adventum pertinens, ab omnium poetarum libris, collectionibus, lapidibus, codicibus exscripta. Pesaro (Pisauri), Ex Amantina Chalcographia, 1766. 4to. 6 vols: XVIII,LII,522; (II),XXXV,480; (II),XXIV,529,(1 blank); (II),LXXIV,514; (II),VIII,388; (II),XII,306 p. H.calf 27 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,1284; Ebert 4932; Brunet 2,134; Graesse 2,215) (Details: Backs with 5 raised bands. Floral ornament in the compartments on the back. Edges dyed red. Engraved printer's mark on the first title, it depicts a flying Fama, the banner of her trumpet reads: 'Hic meret aera liber Sosiis', taken from the 'Ars Poetica' of Horace, verse 345/46: 'Hic meret aera liber Sosiis, hic et mare transit et longum noto scriptori ...

€ 750,00

COLUTHUS. KOLOUTHOU HARPAGÊ HELENÊS. Coluthi raptus Helenae. Recensuit ad fidem codicum MSS. ac variantes lectiones et notas adiecit Joannes Daniel a Lennep. Accedunt eiusdem animadversionum libri tres tum in Coluthum tum in nonnullos alios auctores. Leeuwarden, (Leovardiae), Ex officina Guilielmi Coulon, Illustr. Frisiae Ordd. & Acad. Typographi, (colophon: Typis J. Brouwer, Franequerae), 1747. 8vo. XXVI,127,(1 blank);215,(1 colophon) p. Vellum 20 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 156632918; Hoffmann I,471; Brunet 2,173/74; Ebert 5018; Graesse 2,231) (Details: 6 thongs laced through both joints. Title in red & black. Greek text with facing Latin translation, and critical notes on the lower part of the page. The second part of the work consists of 2 books with a commentary on Coluthus, and a third on several other Greek authors) (Condition: Vellum showing the patina of its age. Free endpapers gone. Edges of first leaves thumbed. ...

€ 195,00

CORPUS POETARUM LATINORUM, UNO VOLUMINE ABSOLUTUM. Cum selecta varietate lectionis et explicatione brevissima edidit Guilielmus Ernestus Weber, Philosophiae Doctor, Lycei Bremensis Director atque Professor. Frankfurt (Francofurti ad Moenum), Sumptibus et Typis Henrici Ludovici Broenneri, 1833. LXXXII,(II),1419,(3) p. Contemporary calf. 26 cm (Ref: Spoelder p. 507, Arnhem 3) (Details: Prize copy, with the prize, dated 13 July 1850, awarded by the 'Scholarchae' of the Gymnasium of Arnhem to 'Ingenuo bonaque spei juveni Johanni Henrico André dela Porte', and signed by 6 curators and by the Rector J.W. Elink Sterk, Not much is known about Johannes Hendrikus André de la (dela) Porte, 1831-1889. He was born in Arnhem and died there. His family belonged to the local elite. Binding slightly scuffed. Back and boards gilt, gilt coat of arms of Arnhem on both boards) (Condition: foxed throughout, occasionally ...

€ 80,00

CORSINUS,E. Notae Graecorum, sive vocum et numerorum compendia, quae in aereis atque marmoreis graecorum tabulis observantur. Collegit, recensuit, explicavit easdemque tabulas opportune illustravit Eduardus Corsinus, Cl. Reg. Scholarum Piarum in Academia Pisana Philosophiae Professor. Accedunt dissertationes sex quibus marmora quaedam tum sacra tum profana exponuntur ac emendantur. Florence (Florentiae), e Typographio Imperiali, 1749. Folio. 2 parts in 1: XXXXVIII,92;132 p., 1 folding table. Vellum 38 cm 'On Greek abbreviations' (Ref: Brunet 2,309; Sandys 2,379; Graesse 2,227; Ebert 5315; Neue Pauly 13,282 & 15/3,1177) (Details: Title in red & black. Big engraved title vignet, it depicts 2 seated angels, one of whom points at the radiant symbol of 'Maria Theou', 'Maria the Mother of God' in the background; between them on a pedestal an inscription: 'IN SPIRITU SCIENTIAE ET PIETATIS'; this vignet is an ...

€ 800,00

CUPERUS,G. Gisb. Cuperi Harpocrates, sive Explicatio imagunculae argenteae perantiquae, quae in figuram Harpocratis formata representat Solem. Ejusdem Monumenta antiqua inedita. Multi auctorum loci, multae inscriptiones, marmora, nummi, gemmae, varii ritus, & antiquitates in utroque opusculo emendantur & illustrantur. Accedit Stephani Le Moine Epistola de Melanophoris. Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Apud Franciscum Halma, Acad. Typogr., 1687. 4to. (VIII),294,(14 index) p., frontispiece, 6 plates, of which 5 folding, text engravings. Vellum. 20.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 833724266; Brunet 6, no. 22603; Cicognara 3212; Ebert 5512; Graesse 2,308) (Details: 5 thongs laced through both joints. Engraved frontispiece, it depicts Harpocrates standing on a pedestal, around him gods like Apollo, Hermes, Serapis and Isis, and in the foreground Tempus, who shovels for Egyptian antiquities. Title printed in red and black. Woodcut printer's mark on ...

€ 640,00

CURTIUS RUFUS. Hoogberoemde historie van 't leven ende de daden Alexandri de Groote. Inhoudende hoe hy Europa overheerd, Darius der Persen Coninck met gansch Asia ende India tot de Oceanische Zee t'ondergebraght heeft, ende eyntlijck tot Babilon gestorven is. Overgeset uyt Latijn door A. SNEL. Den vierden druck gecorrigeert. Rotterdam, By Pieter van Waesbergen, 1648. 8vo. 513,(14) p. Vellum 16 cm (Ref: Geerebaert 105,c; OiN 154; Schweiger 2,328) (Details: Engraved title, depicting Alexander on horseback, at his feet a trampled Darius; printed in Gothic type, as is usual with translations into Dutch) (Condition: Shabby: vellum worn, back wrinkled; small tear at head of spine; book block loose in binding; front endpapers gone; rear endpapers loose; title soiled, loosening and with thumbed edges; small wormhole in the first 6 leaves near the left upper corner; first 2 gatherings dampstained at the lower margin; gatherings quite loose) (Note: This ...

€ 150,00

CURTIUS RUFUS. Q. Curtii Rufi Historia Alexandri Magni. Cum notis selectiss. Variorum, Raderi, Freinshemii, Loccenii, Blancardi, &c. Editio accuratissima. Accurante C.S.M.D. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1664. 8vo. (IV),93,46,(1 blank);751,(1) p. folding map, and folding plate. Mottled 18th century calf 19.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 094956561; Schweiger 2,320; Willems 1325; Berghman 2054; Rahir 1369; Moss 548; Dibdin 375; Graesse 2,311; Ebert 5549) (Details: Beautiful binding. Back with 5 raised bands and panelled gilt with repeating floral motifs; in the center of the compartments gilt birds visit a bunch of flowers. Brown morocco letterpiece in the second compartment. All 3 edges of both boards gilt. Edges of the bookblock dyed red. Endpapers marbled. Engraved title, which depicts a world conquering Alexander on horseback, trampling his enemy Darius. He is accompanied by a flying Fama, who blows her horn. The plate depicts the 'fons ...

€ 340,00